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  • plum tree
  1. 不同品种李树流胶病的比较研究

    Comparison Research on the Resistance of Different Plum Tree Varieties to Gummosis

  2. 离开李树。

    Off the plum tree .

  3. 李树叶片负值期为5~6d,叶龄为25~28d时Pn达最大值。

    The negative periods of the leaves in plum were 5 ~ 6 days , and the Pn was the highest in 25 ~ 28 days for leaf age .

  4. kg-1,植物叶汞中的浓度李树>梨树>柳树>杉树>榆树>槐树>丁香>杨树>松树>柏树;

    The mercury concentrations in the leaves were in the order of : plum > pear > willow > fir > elm > locust tree > clove > poplar > pine > cypress .

  5. 在GIS支持下,结合土样化学性状,分析了漳浦县以荔枝景观、龙眼景观、李树景观和柑桔景观为主的坡地果园景观类型的空间分布、生态特征及其存在的生态问题。

    Supported by GIS technology , and combined with analysis of soil samples , the space distribution , ecological characteristic and the existing ecological problem of hillside orchard types were analyzed , with the major examples of litchi , longan , Prunus mume and Citrus reticulata in Zhangpu County .

  6. 李树花芽形态分化时期的观察

    An observation on morphological differentiation of fruit bud in plum

  7. 李园生草栽培是李树有机栽培的一种重要模式。

    Sown grass in plum orchard is an important organic cultivation model .

  8. 李树或樱桃树的一种樱花一共有三百多种。

    There are more than 300 kinds of oriental cherry in all .

  9. 李树授粉试验及其花粉生活力测定

    The pollination experiment and pollen activity test of plum

  10. 杏和李树啤酒花矮化类病毒的检测与序列分析

    The Trees Detection and Sequence Analysis of Hop stunt viroid in Apricot and Plum

  11. 李树不同品种花粉生活力研究

    Pollen activity test of different plum varieties

  12. 长李树和橄榄的几亩田;

    Grounds where plum and caggage grew .

  13. 低山丘陵李树和石榴园土壤保水技术的研究

    Techniques of soil moisture preservation in the plum and pomegranate orchards in the low hill areas

  14. 花朵盛开时,李树被艳丽的团团花簇所覆盖。

    In full bloom , plum trees are covered with densely packed , showy flower clusters .

  15. 一棵开满了红色花朵的李树,亭亭玉立于灿烂的晚霞中。

    It was a plum tree filled with scarlet blossoms standing in front of a beautiful sunset .

  16. 河北省李树施肥中存在的问题和建议

    Current Problems and Recommendation of Fertilizer Application to Plum Tree ( prunusl . ) in Hebei Province

  17. 湖南省李树良种资源初步研究

    A primary study on the Varietal Resources of plum ( prunus salicina lindi . ) in Hunan Province

  18. 从萌动期至开花期,欧李树体钙主要分配在各韧皮部。

    From germination to flowering period , the main body calcium of prunus distributed mainly in the phloem .

  19. 乙烯利延迟李树花期的效应苹果花期预报方法的研究

    Effect of Ethephon on delaying blooming date in plum a method of forecasting the blooming date of apple trees

  20. 李园生草的不同利用方式对土壤理化性状及李树生长的影响

    Effects of Different Utilizing Ways after Sod Culture in A Plum Orchard on Physical , Chemical Properties of Soil and Plum Trees

  21. 不知不觉中,映入眼帘的是一片白色的海洋,是李树在争先恐后地展示其妩媚的芳容。

    Unconsciously , is greeted by a white ocean , is the plum in the scrambling to demonstrate their feminine hosting the Games .

  22. 一簇簇,一团团,李树洁白的花朵绽放在耀眼的阳光下,给人温馨浪漫的诗意。

    Clusters of one , a round and round , Li Shujie white flowers bloom in the bright sunlight gives romantic and poetic .

  23. 李树和柚树随岁月消失之后,遍地只有细小而稀疏、着樟脑清香的落花。

    The plum tree and the teak tree disappear after years , but what is left are the small petals with faint scent of camphor .

  24. 烟熏所用的木头不应含树脂,如山胡桃,苹果树,李树,橡树,榉树或秦皮。

    The wood used to generate the smoke should be non-resinous , such as hickory , apple , plum , oak , beech , or ash .

  25. 八月里来的有各种结实的李树、梨、杏、伏牛花、榛子、甜瓜、各种颜色的附子。

    In August come plums of all sorts in fruit ; pears ; apricocks ; berberries ; filberds ; musk-melons ; monks-hoods , of all colors .

  26. 研究评价了对李树树干注入络合铁肥矫治缺铁性黄化症的效果。

    This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of trunk injection with complex iron fertilizer for correcting iron chlorosis of 6-year old plum trees in mid-June .

  27. 采用实地调查和问卷的方式,对河北省9个大面积种植李树的地区进行了施肥现状调查。

    In this paper , the situation of fertilizer use for plum tree was analyzed using the investigation and questionnaires to9 big plum tree planting areas of Hebei province .

  28. 李树开了花,结满了上等的,圆滚滚的李子。这时候乌云似的滚滚浓烟不断从炉子里冒出来,布满了地下室。

    The plum trees bloom and brim over with prime plump plums . The smoke was rolling from the furnace now in heavy billowing gray clouds , filling the basement .

  29. 这里,春季赏花豆梨和李树形成了框景通向高尔夫会所的景观,而含羞草和紫薇提供了夏季蓝色红色的花朵和阴凉。

    Here , spring-flowering pyrus and prunus trees frame the view to the golf course while mimosa and jacaranda trees provide summertime blue and red flowers as well as cooling shade .

  30. 为加速河南省李树品种结构调整,引进了国外李品种22个,并进行了区域化栽培试验。

    In order to speed up the adjustment of plum variety structure in Henan province , 22 plum varieties were introduced from foreign countries , and regional cultivation tests were corried out .