
  1. 李婷婷坚称占领活动并非歧视男性。

    Li was adamant that the occupations are not anti-male .

  2. 但李婷婷表示,不单单只是在北京,全国范围内的这一比例都应达到1:2。此外还应推广无性别公厕。

    But Li said the proportion should be 1:2 not just in Beijing but nationally , and unisex toilets should be promoted .

  3. 2月19日,李婷婷首次策划了广州占领男厕所活动,引发公众热议。

    Li staged the first occupation on Feb 19 at a public toilet in Guangzhou , and set off a fierce public debate .

  4. 掩盖校园性骚扰问题的倾向来源于家丑不可外扬的封建宗法观念,女权活动家李婷婷说。李婷婷曾因计划一场反地铁性骚扰抗议而被警察逮捕,这使她吸引了国际新闻头条的关注。

    The tendency to cover up campus sexual harassment issues was based on the patriarchal idea of not washing the family dirty laundry in public , said Li Tingting , a feminist activist who attracted international headlines when police arrested her for planning a protest against groping on subways .