
  • 网络Paul Lee;Lee Wei Shiong;Wei-song Lee
  1. 后来,李伟菘音乐学校由于培养出了新加坡著名歌手孙燕姿而名声大噪。

    Lee Wei-song ` s school later became famous for grooming one of Singapore ` s most famous singers , Stefanie Sun .

  2. 1995年,新加坡本土音乐人李伟菘在新加坡一手创建了这所音乐学校,2007年该校的上海分校成立。

    The school was founded first in Singapore by local musician Lee Wei-song in 1995 , and the Shanghai branch was opened in 2007 .

  3. 最重要的是她的歌迷。她说,很多歌手都得到新加坡的作曲家李思菘和李伟菘的帮助。

    Above all , it 's about pleasing her fans , she said , something the singerhas done consistently with the help of Singapore producers Li sisongand Li weisong .

  4. 李伟菘音乐学校经理伊森韩(音译)表示,虽然电视达人秀使得这些学校遍地开花,但实际上这些选秀节目是把双刃剑。

    Though TV talent shows have fuelled the boom in these schools , they are actually a double-edged sword , said Ethan Han , manager for the Lee Wei-song School of Music .

  5. 他不顾父母反对,关掉了他在家乡内蒙通辽的小饭馆,把很大一笔积蓄用来支付上海李伟菘音乐学校的课程费用。

    Despite opposition from his parents , he closed the small restaurant he owned in his hometown of Tongliao , a city in northern Inner Mongolia , and took a big part of his savings to pay for his course at the Lee Wei-song School of Music in Shanghai .