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  1. 周日,市委常委、常务副市长李士祥出席在康卡斯特NBC环球集团纽约总部举行的签约仪式。

    Li Shixiang , Member of Standing Committee of CPC Beijing Committee and executive vice-mayor of Beijing , attended the signing ceremony at New York headquarter of the US cable company NBCUniversal on Sunday .

  2. 李士祥表示,一些低端行业已经被搬离或拆除。

    Li said some low-impact industries already have been moved or demolished .

  3. 北京市副市长李士祥表示:“在这个问题上我们是同呼吸、共治理,大家都应该既有耐心,也有信心。”

    Li Shixiang , Beijing 's deputy mayor , said : " On this problem we share a common fate , and must manage it together . Everybody must have patience and faith . "

  4. 北京市副市长李士祥表示,十二月,作为首都的行政副中心的通州将会加速发展。据新华社报道,在2017年之前,妥善安置相关的市政府部门这一工作将会取得实质性进展。

    Beijing 's Deputy Mayor Li Shixiang said in December that the development of Tongzhou as the capital 's administrative subcenter will be accelerated , and substantial progress should be made in resettling the municipal government 's departments there by 2017 , the Xinhua News Agency reported .