
jī xiè ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • mechanical engineering;mechanical project
  1. 而且,他们的就业范围也很广,涵盖设备安装使用工程、机械工程、航空航天工程和车辆工程。

    Besides , they have a wide range of activities open to them , from plant engineering and mechanical engineering to aerospace3 engineering and vehicle construction .

  2. 在日本的筑波机械工程实验室,津川和他的几个同事发明了世界上第一辆自动驾驶汽车。

    The world 's first autonomous vehicle was made by S. Tsugawa and several of his colleagues at Japan 's Tsukuba Mechanical Engineering Laboratory .

  3. 气动叶轮机械工程CAD技术研究

    CAD technique research on aero turbomachine

  4. SEM多功能加载样品台在材料科学和机械工程中的应用

    Application of SEM with a Multifunctional Loading Attachment In Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering

  5. 机械工程图模板的AutoCAD二次开发

    Re-Development of 2D Mechanical Drawings Template with AutoCAD

  6. 通过实例,分析了MATLAB软件在机械工程控制课程中应用的意义及解决方案,取得了很好的教学效果。

    This paper analyzes the application of the MATLAB software in the control of mechanical engineering by some examples , and achieves better teaching effect .

  7. 柯爱伦于塔夫斯大学(Tufts)获得机械工程学士学位,之后于西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)获得管理硕士学位。毕业后,她曾就职于通用电气(GeneralElectric)。

    With a master 's degree in management from Northwestern University which she received after studying mechanical engineering at Tufts Ellen Kullman headed to General Electric .

  8. 基于PXI虚拟仪器的机械工程测试系统开发

    Development of Mechanical Engineering Measurement System Based on PXI Virtual Instrument

  9. 结合三维CAD研究和大量的实际应用,对三维建模关键技术之一的网格面技术进行了分析和探讨,这些对于机械工程设计领域的工作具有一定的价值。

    Combined with research and application of 3D CAD , mesh surface technology of key 3D modeling technology is studied . And these are helpful to the work of mechanical engineering design .

  10. 就工程制图新国标中的投影体制和机械工程CAD制图规则等几个问题,分析讨论了新旧标准的主要区别及贯彻实施时的注意事项。

    We analyzed and discussed the main differences between the new & the old national standard of engineering drawing and pay attention to several issues of projection system and mechanical drawing CAD .

  11. 总部位于格兰瑟姆的电子机械工程公司BGBEngineering年营业额达2500万英镑,其中95%都来自出口。眼下,它在印度和中国的业务正经历着快速增长。

    BGB Engineering , a Grantham-based electro-mechanical engineer , exports 95 per cent of its £ 25m turnover and is growing rapidly in India and China .

  12. 主要介绍了XML的基本概念及其比HTML具有的优势,着重论述了XML结合JSP在机械工程数据发布方面的应用并给出了实例。

    This paper introduces the basic concept of XML and its advantages over HTML . It focuses on the application of the release of mechanical data using XML & JSP and an example is given .

  13. 随着多媒体技术和虚拟现实等技术的飞速发展和不断提高,三维模型在医学、机械工程、计算机辅助设计(CAD)和娱乐等众多领域都有越来越广泛的应用。

    With the multimedia technology and virtual reality technology goes to improve , the three-dimensional ( 3D ) model are widely used in many areas of medicine , mechanical engineering , computer-aided design ( CAD ) and entertainment .

  14. 为直井中钻柱非线性屈曲的摩阻分析提供了一种新的算法,同时也将DQ法应用到石油机械工程领域当中。

    A new algorithm for the tubing buckling nonlinearly with friction was proposed , and the DQ method can be applied to petroleum engineering field .

  15. 为满足机械工程及自动化专业实验教学的需要,研制了磁制导AGV实验装置。

    To meet the need of experimental teaching in the major of mechanical engineering and Automation , an automatic guided vehicle 's experimental set based on magnetism sensing technique was developed .

  16. 浙江林业大学机械工程学院大四的学生FANGPeiku为一家出售清洁建筑物的机器人的公司做好了详细的销售计划。

    FANG Peiku , a senior in mechanics at Zhejiang Forestry University , has made a detailed plan for a company that sells a robot that cleans buildings .

  17. 有趣的是,尽管全书是在讲LEGO机器人的各种部件,但大部分的小节实际上都是电子工程、机械工程,或计算机科学领域中的简短课程。

    It was interesting to see that most sections , although kept in the context of LEGO parts , are actually short lessons in electrical engineering , mechanical engineering , or computer science .

  18. AUCOPLAN能够整合电气和电子机械工程、自动化技术和流程工程规划相关的数据和文件。

    AUCOPLAN integrates data and documents from electrical and electro-mechanical engineering , automation technology , and process engineering planning .

  19. 特拉维夫大学机械工程学院的HerzlChai教授和他的同事们在标准和技术国立研究院和乔。华盛顿大学给出了这个答案。

    Herzl Chai of Tel Aviv University 's School of Mechanical Engineering and his colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and George Washington University gives the answer .

  20. GrahamBleakley博士原先在伦敦南岸大学学习机械工程,随后在伦敦城市大学获得了安全关键系统基于模型的系统工程及过程方向的博士学位。

    Dr. Graham Bleakley originally studied Mechanical Engineering at Southbank University , this was followed by a PhD in Model Based Systems Engineering and Process for Safety Critical Systems at City University .

  21. 高校机械工程系列课程双语教学改革研究

    Study On Bilingual Teaching for the Curriculum System of Mechanical Engineering

  22. 对数螺线及其在机械工程领域中的应用

    Logarithmic spiral and its application in the field of mechanical engineering

  23. 用有限元法测量农业机械工程材料的弹性模量

    Elastic Modulus of Agricultural Engineering Materials by Measuring Finite Element Analysis

  24. 激光转角传感器在机械工程中的应用

    The Application of the Laser Rotative Angle Sensor on Mechanical Engineering

  25. 预祝本届国际机械工程教育大会获得圆满成功!

    Wishing the international mechanical engineering education conference a great success !

  26. 基于Matlab/Simulink的机械工程控制系统仿真

    The Mechanical Engineering Control Sytems Simulation Based on Matlab / Simulink

  27. 杠杆定律在机械工程材料中的应用

    The Application of the Law of Leverage in Mechanical Engineering Materials

  28. 机械工程控制理论在印刷机预热辊设计中的运用

    Design of Heating Roller of the Imprinter with Mechanical Control Theory

  29. 彼得主修电子工程,不是机械工程。

    Peter 's scholastic discipline is electrical engineering , not mechanical .

  30. UNGO软件在机械工程优化设计中的应用

    Application of LINGO software in the optimal design of mechanical engineering