
  1. 儿童多糖饮食导致机体部分生化指标改变的研究

    The Study of Change on part of Biochemistry Quota for Children Super Sugar Food

  2. 三星本周二发布了马上就要上市的N120netbook,这将是三星第三款10.1寸netbook产品。新的型号在机体和部分部件方面将沿用另一款新产品N110的设计。

    Samsung on Tuesday announced it will soon release the N120 netbook , which shares its body and many other components with the N110 spotted just yesterday .

  3. 中医辨证论治,是针对机体各个部分以及整体的主要功能状态与病理活动,综合评定,提出恰当的处理。

    Differentiation syndrome and treatment of Chinese medicine raises pertinent treatment to every part of organism and whole main functional status and pathology action after composite evaluation .

  4. 分析机体各部分结构对柴油机工作性能的影响,对机体结构优化设计,提高动态特性具有一定的指导意义。

    The analysis of influences of the structure of all parts of cylinder block on operational performances of diesel engines , optimization of cylinder block structure design and dynamic characteristics improvement are of certain directive importance .

  5. 归经是指药物对机体某一部分的选择性作用。

    Channel tropism refers to the theory that relates the therapeutic action of drugs to a certain parts of the body .

  6. 他们分别在肺内层有或没有替代性活化的巨噬细胞的实验小鼠上试验,该巨噬细胞是机体免疫组成部分。

    They tested mice with and without a type of white cell in the lining of the lung known as alternatively activated macrophages , a part of the innate immune system .

  7. 病毒并不是真正的活的,它们需要通过劫持宿主机体中的一些部分来进行自我复制。

    Viruses are not truly alive - they need to hijack3 parts of a host organism in order to replicate4 .

  8. 企业是一个社会机体的重要组成部分,构建和谐企业是构建和谐社会的应有之意,也是企业不断发展壮大的必然要求。

    Enterprise is an important component of the social body . Constructing a harmonious enterprise is the meaning of building a harmonious society , but also the requirement of enterprises ' development .