
  • 网络Unfinished Story;The Unfinished Tales;Don't Leave Me;Incomplete Narrative
  1. 在下一个sprint的计划会议上,未完成的故事的故事点应该根据剩余的工作加以调整。

    During the sprint planning for the next sprint the story points for an unfinished story should be adjusted according to the amount of work left .

  2. 这样一来,庞大的未完成的故事就变成了小块的已完成的故事。

    This way , instead of keeping a large unfinished story a team can have smaller finished stories .

  3. 在短短四十二年的平静生活中,奥斯丁共创作出了六部小说和三个未完成的故事片断。

    During the forty-two years of her life , Austen had completed six novels and left behind three fragments .

  4. 讨论组中,很多敏捷学家都认为未完成的故事是一个常见现象,并非偶然。

    Most Agilists on the discussion forum agreed that unfinished stories is a common reality than a rare event .

  5. 通常,团队希望有自己的分支,以避免未完成的故事在多个团队之间造成干扰。

    Often teams like to have their own branches to avoid having partially complete stories causing interference between teams .