
  • 网络Chaoyang Road;Chao Yang Lu
  1. 办公于淮南市朝阳路瑞金大厦23楼。

    Office in Huainan City , Chaoyang Road , Ruijin Building , 23rd Floor .

  2. 最后选取朝阳路快速公交2号线进行实例分析,并开展快速公交运营调度仿真研究以评价组合调度的优化效果。

    Finally , select Chaoyang Road BRT line No.2 to do the case analysis , and evaluate the optimized effect of the combination scheduling by carrying out BRT operation and scheduling simulation .

  3. 保定市朝阳路街道绿化调查分析

    Investment and analysis about the greening of Chaoyang Road in Baoding City

  4. 火灾现场周边的东三环、朝阳路已经实施交通管制。

    Fire crews are on the scene and appeared to have control of the fire .

  5. 以蚌埠市朝阳路淮河公路桥为例,介绍挂篮施工悬臂梁的挠度控制方法与过程,为类似桥梁的结构设计和施工提供参考。

    Taking Huaihe River Bridge on Chaoyang Road , Bengbu City as an example , the author introduces the method and process of deflection control during the cantilever beam construction using hanging basket , which provides a reference basis for bridge structure design and construction .

  6. 我的地址是长春市朝阳区南湖路20号。

    My address is No.20 Nanhu Road , Chaoyang District , Changchun .

  7. 中国北京市朝阳区安定路3号

    Anding Road Chaoyang District Beijing P.R. China

  8. 朝阳市黄河路大桥大体积混凝土承台施工裂缝控制

    Control of Crack Occurring in Construction of Massive Concret Footing of Huanghe Road Bridge in Chaoyang City

  9. 地点:星空间,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号,798艺术区东街。

    Venue : Star Gallery , 798 Art Zone East Street , No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road , Chaoyang District , Beijing .

  10. 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区陶瓷三街漆千年艺术中心。

    Qiqiannian Art Center , Ceramics Third Street , 798 Art District , No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road , Chaoyang District , Beijing .

  11. 中国北京市朝阳区光华路1号北京嘉里中心南楼1617室

    Suite 1617 , South Tower , Beijing Kerry Centre , No.1 Guang Hua Road , Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 , P. R. China

  12. 地点:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区797街,798艺术中心与798创意广场之间。

    Address : the797 street , 798 Art Zone , No.2 , Jiuxianqiao Road , Chaoyang District , Beijing City ( between the798 Art Center and the798 Creative Square )