
  • 网络effective accumulated temperature;effective accumulative temperature;GDD;sum of effective temperature
  1. 本实验研究了茄粗额蚜的发育起点温度、有效积温、最适温度、最低和最高温、以及温度对其存活率和对有翅蚜产生的影响。

    And studies on the biological zero , sum of effective temperature , optimum , minimum and maximum temperature , and temperature 's influence of aphids ' survival rate .

  2. 采用辐热积法对植株总干物质量的预测精度比有效积温法和比叶面积法分别提高56%和72%。

    For the prediction of plant total dry weight , the prediction accuracy of TEP based model is 56 % and 72 % , respectively , higher than that of GDD and SLA based model .

  3. 水温11~13℃时,卵黄囊期需10d,有效积温110~130℃·d。

    At 11-13 ℃, it needs 10 d from hatching stage to yolk-sac absorbed stage , and the accumulative temperature of 110-130 ℃· d is necessary .

  4. 阐述了昆虫物候分析的SSPM模型(singlesinephonologicalmodel)计算方程和过程,该模型采用Sine函数拟合每天温度变化,并利用积分,获取每天有效积温和一定时间内日度累积值。

    The paper details the calculation method of single sine phonological model ( SSPM ) in insect phenology , in which the daily temperature is curved by sine function . Accumulations and daily degree-days are acquired by integral equation methods .

  5. 在水、肥等可控制因子较好的条件下,影响区域PS-1生产潜力的主要因素是有效积温。

    Under the better controlled factor condition , for example water and fertilization , the main factor that influence regional productive potential under PS-1 condition is the effective accumulated temperature . 3 .

  6. 该品种从出苗到适宜采收期(蜡熟期)需有效积温2550℃.d左右,在哈尔滨市生育日数为115~120d。

    This variety requires effective accumulated temperature about 2 550 ℃ from emergence of seeding to stage of wax ripeness , it 's growth period is 115-120 d in the Harbin city .

  7. 成虫在5月中旬至10月上旬发生,6月初开始产卵,卵的发育起点温度为14.66±0.5℃,有效积温为41.7±20.85日·度,在25℃下卵期平均为3.69±0.25d;

    Adult beetle emerged from mid-May to the first ten days of October , and oviposited in early June . The developmental threshold temperature of egg was 14.66 ± 0.5 ℃, and its effective accumulated temperature was 41.7 ± 20.85 degree-day .

  8. 发育起点温度及有效积温因不同龄期均有差异。

    Development thresholds and accumulated temperatures vary owing to different instars .

  9. 鲜食大豆适宜采收期与有效积温的关系

    Relationship between Harvesting Time and Effective Accumulated Temperature in Vegetable Soybean

  10. 辽宁省三种松毛虫有效积温的研究

    A study on the effective accumulated temperature of the pine caterpillars

  11. 稻纵卷叶螟发育起点温度及有效积温的测定

    Studies on the effective thermal summation of rice leaf folder

  12. 有效积温指数与耐热锻炼效果

    Effective temperature accumulation index ( etai ) and effect of heat training

  13. 嗜虫书虱的有效积温及气调致死作用研究

    Studies on the effective accumulated temperature and lethal effects of

  14. 茶毛虫各龄幼虫的发育起点温度和有效积温

    The developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of Euproctis pseudoconspersa larvae

  15. 有效积温对穿刺巴氏杆菌发育影响的研究

    The Effect of Effective Accumulative Temperatures on the Development of Pasteuria penetrans

  16. 本文研究了该螨的主要生物学特性和有效积温。

    The principal biological characteristics and the effective accumulated temperature were studied .

  17. 苎麻赤蛱蝶生物学特性和有效积温的研究

    Studies on the Bionomics and Valid Cumulative Temperature of Vanessa indica Herbst

  18. 甜菜夜蛾发育起点温度和有效积温

    The Growth Starting Temperature and Effective Accumulating Temperature of Laphygma Exigua Hubner

  19. 龙眼角颊木虱发育起点温度和有效积温的研究

    Studies on the Developmental Temperature and Effective Accumulated Temperature of Longan Psyllid

  20. 伤根处理萌发期推迟和有效积温增加。

    Root damage deal-ing suspended sprout time and increased total effective temperature .

  21. 云杉小黑天牛有效积温和发生期测报的研究

    Study on effective accumulated temperature and prediction of occurence of spruce beetles

  22. 根据有效积温及气象资料推算,截形叶螨在北京地区每年发生15&17代。

    There are 15 - 17 generations a year .

  23. 储藏有效积温与小麦游离脂肪酸值上升速度关系研究

    Correlation between effective accumulated temperature and free fatty acid value in stored wheat

  24. 斜纹夜蛾的发育起点温度和有效积温研究

    Studies on the Developmental Zero and Effective Accumulated Temperature of Prodenia litura Fabricius

  25. 计算山地积温累计频率的一种新方法虎纹捕鸟蛛发育起点温度和有效积温研究

    A new method for calculating the cumulative frequency of accumulated temperature in Mountainous Region

  26. 栗蚕卵发育起点温度和有效积温的测定

    Measurement of the Developmental Threshold Temperature and Effective Accumulated Temperature for Camphor Silkworm Eggs

  27. 在秋霜晚、有效积温高的年份能发生一代半。

    In the years that the autumn frost came late and high effective cumulative temperature ;

  28. 吐丝至采收需要320~350℃的有效积温。

    The effective accumulated temperature required from silking to harvesting was 320 ~ 350 ℃ .

  29. 作物发育期有效积温累积速度预报方法的研究

    Forecasting the development period of rice crop according to the accumulation speed of effective temperature

  30. 我国紫胶虫的发育起点温度和有效积温

    Study on the developmental threshold and total of effective temperature of the lac insect in China