
But as the producers and cast of Damien Chazelle 's modern musical were on stage giving emotional thank you speeches , they were told that Moonlight was the real winner .
But Moonlight kept pace with it over the course of a marathon four-hour ceremony .
An investigation is continuing into how La La Land was wrongly named Best Picture rather than the triumphant Moonlight .
La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz returned to the microphone after being told about the mix up and said ' Moonlight won Best Picture ' and insisting that ' this is not a joke ' .
Moonlight director Barry Jenkins said in accepting the Oscar for adapted screenplay that people who don 't feel like they have support can look to the American Civil Liberties Union and artists over the next four years .
The statement said : " We sincerely apologize to Moonlight , La La Land , Warren Beatty , Faye Dunaway , and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture . "
The accountancy firm in charge of the Oscars results has apologized after Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were handed the wrong results card when announcing the Best Picture award and incorrectly announced La La Land as the winner rather than Moonlight .