
  • 网络minimum deviation angle;angle of minimum deviation
  1. 用光栅最小偏向角法测定光波波长

    Measurement of light wavelength with angle of minimum deviation of optical grating

  2. 最小偏向角法V棱镜法测量折射率的原理公式误差

    The Principle Formula Error of MeaSuring the Refractive Index by the Method of Minimum deviation Angle and the method of V-prism

  3. 棱镜的最小偏向角及摆放位置的分析

    Minimum deviation angle of a prism and analysis of putting position

  4. 用最小偏向角法测量液体折射率

    Measurement of refraction rate of liquids by using the least deflection angle

  5. 用最小偏向角测光波波长的实验研究

    On the experiment of measuring wave length of light wave by using minimum deviation angle

  6. 光栅条纹最小偏向角的实验研究

    The Deviation Angle of Grating Fringe

  7. 本文通过光栅衍射给出了用最小偏向角测光波波长的方法。

    The paper proposes a method of measuring wave length of light wave by using minimum deviation angle based on raster .

  8. 使用新的测量最小偏向角的方法方便了实验操作,提高了测量的准确度。

    The method to use new minimum angle of deflection of measurement has helped the experiment operate , and improved the accuracy measured .

  9. 介绍一种利用分光计及自制盛液“三棱杯”,采用最小偏向角法测量液体折射率的方法,并对该法进行了分析和讨。

    The method to measure the refraction rate of liquids by using the least deflection angle is introduced and analyzed in this paper .

  10. 若采用三元法进行组合,其精度与最小偏向角法的相当。

    If the " three-element method " is adopted in combination , the precision is correspond to that of the minimum deflection angle method .

  11. 文中还对该测试方法与最小偏向角方法进行了比较,并以实测数据证明了两种方法具有同样的测试精度。

    It shows , by comparision with the method of minimum deviation by the tested data , that the two methods have the same accuracy .

  12. 本文给出了棱镜最小偏向角的计算公式,最小偏向角随入射光波长变化的关系曲线。

    This paper gave the calculation formula of minimum deviation angle of a prism and the curved relation line of minimum deviation angle varying with wave length of entrance light .

  13. 介绍了当仪器作为分光仪使用时,采用自寻最小偏向角法的2:1传动机构的设计,估算了传动机构的同步误差,并给出了误差数据。

    When The goniometer is used as spectrometer , the design of 2:1 driving mechanism of self-hunting minimal angle of deviation method is applied . Synchronous error of the driving mechanism is estimated , and the error data are given .

  14. 从分光计测量最小偏向角的老方法出发,根据老方法的不足之处,进行分析,进而得到测量最小偏向角的一种改进方法。

    According to the old method to measure minimum angle of deflection in spectrometer setting out , analyzing the weak point of the old method , and then get a kind of improvement method to measure minimum angle of deflection in Spectrometer .

  15. 在调节测量系统使其成为对称光路的同时,可完成自动寻找最小偏向角位置以及准确测量最小偏向角,实现折射率的自动测量。

    When the measurement system is adjusted to symmetry optical system , the exact position of the minimum deviation angle can be traced by the detector and the minimum deviation angle as well as the refractive index of a sample can be measured automatically .