
méi qì guǎn dào
  • gas conduit;gas pipe
  1. 管道工堵住了煤气管道以制止泄漏。

    The plumbers blocked off the gas pipe to check escapes .

  2. 因此,在非开挖穿管修复中,PE管径允许小于原煤气管道的管径。

    Hence PE pipe diameter is allowed to be less than original gas pipe diameter under non-excavation inserting renovation .

  3. 煤气管道走气了。

    The gas is leaking from the pipe .

  4. 他们正为新房子安装煤气管道。

    They are piping the new house for gas .

  5. 而直接返回高炉炼铁,Zn在高炉内循环富集则会缩短炉衬寿命、堵塞煤气管道。

    During directly recycling the EAF dusts for the blast furnace ( BF ), the zinc enriched in the BF would shorten the lining life , and block the gas pipeline of BF .

  6. 把受压容器喷出口的流速计算和喷管&直管体系引入煤气管道的试压过程,得到试验压力Ps与允许压力降[△P]间的关系。

    The calculation of the outlet velocity of pressure vessel jet and the nozzle-duct system are led into the gas line pressure test , and the relationship between the test pressure Ps and the pressure drop [ △ P ] has been obtained .

  7. 对大口径转炉煤气管道应力分析与评定

    Stress Analysis and Assessment of Uneven Depositing Big Diameter Power Piping

  8. 高效环氧胶粘剂在煤气管道修补中的应用

    Application of High Efficient Epoxy Adhesive in Repairing of Gas Piping

  9. 煤气管道试压中允许压力降的计算

    Calculation of the Permission Pressure Drop for Gas Line Pressure Test

  10. 埋地煤气管道泄漏事故分析

    A Failure Analysis on the Leakage of an Underground Gas Pipeline

  11. 室内煤气管道如何适用于天然气

    Way to Apply Indoor Manufactured Gas Pipe lines to Natural Gas

  12. 基于分形理论的煤气管道机器人视频系统

    Gas Pipeline Inspection Robot Video Coding System Based on Fractal Approach

  13. 煤气管道已被关闭,以防漏气。

    The gas pipe has been blocked off to prevent escapes .

  14. 煤气管道工程站场焊接工艺的改进

    Improvements on the Welding Process for Piping within City Gas Distribution Plant

  15. 对一起埋地煤气管道泄漏事故进行了认真分析:发现发生泄漏的铸铁管道存在重皮等铸造缺陷。

    Abstract Defects were found in the broken cast iron gas pipes .

  16. 荒煤气管道增设缩径管在炼铁生产中的应用

    The usage of adding shorten pipe to original gas pipe in ironmaking

  17. 新型保温材料在煤气管道冷凝水排放器上的应用

    Application of Novel Thermal Insulation Materials in Condensate Drainers on Gas Pipes

  18. 工人把煤气管道上的洞堵上了。

    The workman plugged the hole in the gas pipe .

  19. 管理维护基地天然气与高炉煤气管道;

    To manage site NG and BF gas pipe maintenance ;

  20. 不经置换在焦炉煤气管道上接引的可能性

    Possibility of Directly Linking with Gas Pipe of Coke Furnace Without Replacement

  21. 玻璃钢包扎在煤气管道加强上的应用

    Application of Fibreglass Epoxy Wrapping in Strengthening of Gas Pipes

  22. 煤气管道机器人管径适应调整机构分析

    Pipe-Diameter Adapting and Adjusting Mechanism of Gas Pipeline Inspection Robot

  23. 煤气管道的电化学腐蚀与防腐蚀措施浅析

    A Preliminary Analysis on Electrochemistry Corrosion and Anti-corrosion Measures of Coal Pipes

  24. 长输煤气管道大开挖穿越河流的施工

    Construction of Gas Transmission Pipeline Passing Through River by Excavation

  25. 爆炸是煤气管道的裂口造成的。

    The explosion was caused by a burst in the gas pipe .

  26. 城市在役旧煤气管道的阴极保护研究及实践

    Cathodic Protection Practice of Used Urban Gas Pipeline in Service

  27. 快装管件在煤气管道抢修及施工中的应用衬塑给水管及管件

    Application of Fast Assembling Pipe Fittings in Rush-repair and Construction of Gas Pipeline

  28. 煤气管道泄漏降压抢修的初探

    Study for the Coal Gas Piping Leakiness Declines to Press and First-aid Repair

  29. 然而还是让我们回到那位煤气管道修理工问的问题吧。

    But back to the gas man 's question .

  30. 煤气管道机器人远程信息交换系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of remote information exchange system of gas pipeline inspection robot