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  1. 她也曾和艺电(ElectronicArts)就其视频游戏营销展开合作,艺电被评定为M级(成人级&译注)的视频游戏似乎正在卖给儿童。

    She has also worked with Electronic Arts ( EA ) on its marketing of video games that are M-rated but seem to be marketed to kids .

  2. 在打造WonderGirls组合时,朴振英就曾告诉先艺要记得在演出后回到练舞室继续训练。

    As Park Jin Young formed the Wonder Girls , he told Sun Ye to always come back to the practice room after performances and practise .

  3. 爱奇艺CEO龚宇今年6月曾表示,爱奇艺付费用户已突破2000万。

    Gong Yu , CEO of iQiyi , said earlier that the company had 20 million paying subscribers in June .

  4. 很显然,增强现实技术可以用于改善电子游戏,戈登曾是游戏公司艺电(ElectronicArts)的高管,对这个领域很熟悉。

    Augmented reality could obviously be used to enhance video games , something that Mr. Gordon , as a former executive of the game company Electronic Arts , is familiar with .