
qū qū zhé zhé
  • winding;zigzag
曲曲折折 [qū qū zhé shé]
  • [twisting along] 形容弯曲。亦形容事情遇到许多阻碍或受到挫折打击,不能顺利进行

  • 一条曲曲折折的小巷

  1. 这些曲曲折折的行为可说是蛇走路的方式。

    These winding and crooked courses are the goings of the serpent .

  2. 它曲曲折折,走走停停,踟蹰了18年。

    It is winding , walking and stopping , has hesitated for18 years .

  3. 狭窄的小路曲曲折折地通向悬崖。

    The narrow path zigzags up the cliff .

  4. 车队曲曲折折地穿过约旦河西岸。

    The convoy wound its way through the West Bank .

  5. 我们沿着小径曲曲折折地爬上陡坡

    We followed the path zigzagging up the steep slope .

  6. 该馆由建筑事务所比贾克·英格尔斯集团(BjarkeIngelsGroup)设计,用玻璃结构筑成U型干船坞。倾斜的地板和之字形曲曲折折的步道让人想起随着浪涛起伏的甲板。

    Designed by the architectural firm Bjarke Ingels Group , the glassy structure is built into a U-shaped dry dock and filled with slanted floors and zigzag passageways that evoke ocean-rocked ships ' decks .

  7. 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。

    Lotus pond above the winding , Mi hope that Tada leaves .

  8. 我们沿着小径曲曲折折地急忙赶路。

    We hurried in a zigzag way along the path .

  9. 球赛中有许多的曲曲折折与转机。

    There 's a lot of twists and turns .

  10. 在两岸的柳坡、田野之中,小船在曲曲折折地前进,

    And as the boat-head wound along The willowy hills and fields among ,

  11. 许多曲曲折折峡湾形成了它的海岸线,大多数的城镇都位于那里。

    Many fjords punctuate its coastline , which is also where most towns are situated .

  12. 汽车曲曲折折地穿过村子。

    The car wound through the village .

  13. 她的尖叫声一直追着他们穿过曲曲折折的小巷,直到他们来到明亮的阳光下。

    Her shrieks followed them all the way along the twisting alleyway out into bright sunlight .

  14. 当你随着曲曲折折的小路走得越高,你就会发现越多的绿色瓶罐堆积在路边。

    The higher you climb the narrow snaky road , the more green bottles in the verges .

  15. 通往最美丽的地方的路总是曲曲折折而且有时候不得不返回起点。

    The roads leading to the most beautiful places always twist and turn and double back on themselves .

  16. 那天夜里他们经由伐木者的小径,曲曲折折穿过森林,到达山脊。

    That night they wound their way through the woods up to the ridge by a wood-cutter 's track .

  17. 儒家的忧患意识、社会责任感以及国民性批判精神也常常潜隐在含混朦胧的道家文化氛围中曲曲折折地得以传达。

    The Suffering consciousness of Confucianism and criticism of national quality have been often transmitted in dim Taoism culture .

  18. 翎毛沿着街道,忧郁地、曲曲折折地向前行进,已经可以听到教堂的钟声。

    The feathers wind their gloomy way along the streets , and come within the sound of a church bell .

  19. 这条狭窄的小径曲曲折折地向峭壁伸延.②口咽腔层面(口咽腔最狭小的层面);

    The narrow path zigzags up the cliff . ② the lamella of oropharyngeal cavity ( the narrowest place of oropharyngeal cavity );

  20. 例句与用法:这条狭窄的小径曲曲折折地向峭壁伸延.他设法抓住了悬崖上向外伸出的岩石。

    The narrow path zigzags up the cliff . He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff .

  21. 布鲁斯接通了低速挡,开车速度快得令人害怕;他在使前轮分跨地裂的同时曲曲折折地前进。

    Bruce engaged low gear and drove at a terrifying speed , keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zig-zag course .

  22. 当然啦,谁也没有径直说过这一点,然而靠一种曲曲折折的方式,从孩提时开始,它便灌进了每个党员的心里。

    This again was never put into plain words , but in an indirect way it was rubbed into every Party member from childhood onwards .

  23. 在历经数十载曲曲折折、毁誉不一的实践之后,现实社会主义国家最终也选择了市场经济模式,并认知到科学技术脑力劳动的集中体现形式在社会发展中重大而独特的作用。

    After decades of practice , socialist countries have chosen market economy now , and have understood the effect of science and technology on social development .

  24. 河流流经平地时有蜿蜒曲折的倾向当水流涌到一片低洼的溪谷时,它便在那边曲曲折折地流着一会儿;

    Streams tend to meander through level land . when it finds itself in a pleasant low valley , it stops and meanders there a while ;

  25. 江水曲曲折折地绕着花草丛生的原野流淌,月光照射着开遍鲜花的树林好像细密的雪珠的闪烁。

    The river twists and turns around to numerous fields of flowers flowing , moonlight exposure times with flowers open dense forest like the flashes snow beads .

  26. 进村的唯一道路是一条骡马道,道路曲曲折折,千转百回,窄窄的过道嵌在岩壁和摇摇摆摆的桥之间。

    The only way to get to the village is through the Luoma Way , which is filled with zigzag turns , narrow passages between rock walls , and rickety bridges .

  27. 然而新事物的发展过程总是曲曲折折的,网络虚拟财产也不例外,与之相关的法律纠纷近些年层出不穷。

    However , the developing process of the new things is always tortuous , and virtual property is no exception . The relevant legal disputes emerge in an endless stream in recent years .

  28. 为了生长他不管上面的石头是多么重的石块,也不管石块之间的缝隙多么狭窄,总是曲曲折折、坚强不屈的挺出地面来。

    In order to grow he regardless of how heavy stones on the rocks , and no matter how narrow the gaps between the stones , always after a strong and unyielding , the ground .

  29. 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。

    All over this winding stretch of water , what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves , reaching rather high above the surface , like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace .

  30. 所有的白色拯救了河流和树木。在如画的风景上,一根黑色的线曲曲折折地描绘出了河流的样子。在铅灰色天空的衬托下,落光了叶子的树用她们那错综复杂的枝桠勾勒出了惊人的美丽。

    All white save the river , that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape , and the leafless trees , that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacy of their branches !