
  • 网络Violent seizure;The Violent Bear It Away
  1. 居民们说,当地的帮派头子用暴力夺取宝贵的土地。

    Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land

  2. 那用暴力夺取就可以吗?

    Then it 's okay to take them by force ?

  3. 与此同时,他们还做准备以暴力夺取控制权。

    Meanwhile they were preparing to seize control by violence .

  4. 该封锁线在2007年哈马斯暴力夺取加沙地带控制权之后设立。

    The blockade followed the violent takeover of Gaza by Hamas in two thousand seven .

  5. (特别是指他人的权利)用暴力夺取并持有的。

    ( used especially of the rights of another ) seized and held by force .

  6. 这些歹徒通过威胁恐吓及使用暴力达到夺取受害者财物的目的。

    Such outlaws would use or threaten violence in order to seize money and other valuables from their victims .