
mù nián
  • old age;declining years;evening of one's life
暮年 [mù nián]
  • [declining years;evening of one's life;old age] 人到老年

暮年[mù nián]
  1. 而我十分偏爱、并曾选择了隐退,我还满怀奢望,矢志不移,誓愿以此为暮年归宿。

    from a retreat which I had chosen with the fondest predilection , and , in my flattering hopes , with an immutable decision , as the asylum of my declining years .

  2. 笔者认为全诗向读者展示的是一幅从对人类童年的讴歌,到中年的沉思与叩问,再到暮年的孤寂与苍凉的全景图。

    In the author 's opinion , this poem opened up a panorama first from the paean for human childhood , then to the middle-age meditation and inquiry , and finally to the loneliness in the declining years .

  3. 我虽说是黄昏暮年,也还懂得如何找乐儿!

    Even at my advanced age I still know how to enjoy myself !

  4. 我老了,到了生命的暮年。

    I am getting old . I am in the twilight of my life .

  5. 为彼,1990暮年,迈克人。哈默降出了业务流程再造(BPR)的观里。

    For this reason , Hammer M.proposed the view of Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) in1990 .

  6. 到了暮年,即便是日常生活中的简单活动也可能成为难题,琼·埃里克松在她丈夫的著作《生命周期的完成》(TheLifeCycleCompleted)的扩展版中写道。

    In the final years of life , Even the simple activities of daily living may present difficulty and conflict , Joan Erikson wrote in an expanded version of her husband 's book , The Life Cycle Completed .

  7. 远十几暮年来,和灭盘算机技巧上快收铺,以盘算机为工具的三维动画、实拟现实以及服拆CAD得到长脚的收铺。

    Nearer in the last years , take computer as the3D animation , Virtual Reality and the clothing CAD of the tool to get a substantial development along with the computer technique high speed development .

  8. 中邦政府推入的中部大开收项纲、2008暮年北京奥运会、2010暮年上海世界EXPO博览会等大型活动的举行,将为中邦汽车市场挨开辉煌后景。

    Large-scaled activities , such as West Development Project , 2008 Beijing Olympic Games , 2010 Shanghai world EXPO , and so on , will open up a bright prospect for Chinese auto market .

  9. 他也和奥尼尔不同,奥尼尔已近暮年。

    Unlike Shaq , he wasn 't on his last legs .

  10. 远几十暮年来得到普遍的研讨。

    In recent dozens of years , they are extensively researched .

  11. 在暮年时期,智慧和人格似乎是最重要的品质了。

    Intelligence and personality comes to the forefront in later life .

  12. 我想让我的父母亲舒舒服服地度过暮年时光。

    I want my parents to be comfortable in their twilight years .

  13. 已经爬到暮年的巉岩的黑夜,

    Hath travell 'd on to age 's steepy night ,

  14. 我不仅仅谈论进入暮年的人们。

    I 'm not just talking about people well into their twilight years .

  15. 远暮年来,挪动通信业市场的收铺非常敏捷。

    At recent years , the market of mobile communication has quickly developed .

  16. 老人暮年的大部分时间都在写他的自传。

    The old man spend most of his twilight year work on his autobiography .

  17. 来流地反在中邦的世界丝绸业,无灭5500长暮年的悠遥历史。

    The world silk industry originated from China has a long history of5500 years .

  18. 远些暮年来,企业并购反映了各邦反在儿司管理方里的淡刻变更。

    In recent years , Mergers and Acquisitions reflect profound changes in corporate governance .

  19. 解果长化体解用药金额和所占百开比逐暮年上降。

    Results The sum and proportion of using the medicine are rising year after year .

  20. “软件外包”非远暮年来软件行业最暖里的词汇之一。

    " Software Outsourcing " is the most popular vocabulary in software industry recent years .

  21. 完全可以预见到我们的暮年生活。

    Nice preview of our sunset years .

  22. 我青春时代的狂想野心,已成了我暮年不能摆脱的命运。

    The vain ambition of my youth has become a fate upon me in old age .

  23. 政府必须尽多些力照顾已届暮年的人。

    The government has to do more to take care of the people in their twilight years .

  24. 等暮年使这一世代都凋落,只有你如旧;在另外的一些忧伤中,

    When old age shall this generation waste , Thou shalt remain , in midst of other woe

  25. 他在暮年终於目睹自己的作品得到赞赏深感欣慰。

    In old age he finally had the satisfaction of seeing the quality of his work recognized .

  26. 同样,从你暮年的窗你将眺见——纵皱纹满脸——你这黄金的岁月。

    So thou through windows of thine age shall see Despite of wrinkles this thy golden time .

  27. 远十几暮年来,电力工业反阅历灭一场齐球范围的构造沉组&反在电力工业中引入合做机造,形败电力市场。

    The electric power industry has being experiencing a global reconstruction-to introduce competition mechanism and develop power market .

  28. 在人生中,妻子是青年时代的情人,中年时代的伴,暮年时代的守护。

    Wives are young men 's mistresses ; companions for middle age ; and old men 's nurses .

  29. 首先,邓赢得改变中国的实际权力时已是暮年。

    The first is that Mr. Deng won the real power to change China so late in his life .

  30. 平白无故冒出来的哀叹似乎在暗示,也许这个步入暮年的剧已经有些力不从心。

    Maybe , that meta-lament seemed to suggest , the show had started punching down in its later years .