
  • 【医】hypophrenia
  1. 结论XALD是一种X连锁隐性遗传性疾病,其临床特征为儿童期起病的进行性听力、视力障碍和智能减退。

    Conclusions ALD is an inherited disease as an X linked trait . The childhood X ALD is characteristiced by progressive auditory , visual and intelligent deterioration .

  2. 结果BD伴有高血压病史58例(85.3%),临床表现为渐进性痴呆、智能减退、假性延髓麻痹等,有神经系统局灶体征,常因脑卒中发作就诊。

    Results Fifty-eight patients ( 85.3 % ) with BD had hypertension concomitantly . Clinical features included progressive dementia , intelligence decrudescence , pseudobulbar palsy and focal nervus sign .

  3. 气功延缓老年智能减退的研究

    Research on Using Qigong to Delay Reduction of Intelligence in Aged People

  4. 迅速进展性痴呆是一类进展快速的痴呆综合征,在起病数周至数月内出现智能减退达严重程度。

    Rapidly progressive dementia ( RPD ) is a kind of dementia syndrome which has a much more rapid course than other dementia caused by neural degenerative diseases .

  5. 本文报道利用微机技术和频谱分析方法,观察了气功延缓老年智能减退的作用。

    With computer technology and the method of analyzing the frequency spectrum , the authors observed the action of Qigong in delaying the reduction of intelligence in the aged .

  6. 本病对身心健康有较大影响,43.75%患者智能减退,11.11%患者痴呆,故防治本病是一项迫切任务。

    The disease has a greater effect on psychosomatic health : 43.75 % of patients show decreased intelligence and 11.11 % , develop dementia . Thus , prevention and treatment of the disease is an urgent task .

  7. 智能减退或障碍症主要表现为学习记忆能力的减退,存在于各个年龄阶段与多种疾病,带来了严重的社会问题和经济负担,其防治已引起广泛重视。

    The main symptom of hypophrenia and mental retardation consisting in every age phase and many diseases is attenuation of learning and memory function . With the serious social problems and economic burden they caused , the prevention and cure to hypophrenia and mental retardation are extensively and highly regarded .

  8. 存活者中原来日常生活活动有依赖者或智能有减退者的康复率低,障碍加重率高。

    The recovery rate of survivors which had disability in activities of daily life or intelligence was lower .