
  • 网络universal grammar theory
  1. 但从60年代开始,随着普遍语法理论模式的不断完善和明晰化,乔姆斯基理论逐渐成为语法学界的主流学派之一。

    However , with the gradual improvement and crystallization of Chomsky 's Universal Grammar from 1960s , Chomsky 's linguistic theory came to be recognized as one of the main schools of linguistic field .

  2. 美国语言学家乔姆斯基在上世纪八十年代提出的普遍语法理论,是在他早期的语言习得机制(LAD)理论和刺激贫乏理论的基础上发展起来的。

    The Universal Grammar theory , proposed and formulated by the American linguist Noam Chomsky in the 1980s , is a development of his earlier ideas of Language Acquisition Device ( LAD ) and " Poverty-of-the-stimulus " argument .

  3. 联结主义支持普遍语法理论在二语学习中的可及性。

    Theory and generalization ; Connectionism can prove the universalness of universal grammar .

  4. 他的普遍语法理论丰富了语言习得理论,至今仍有大批追随者。

    His universal grammar theory enriched language acquisition theories and even today has a lot of followers .

  5. 普遍语法理论把核心规则视为无标记的、具有普遍性的规则;

    The theory of universal grammar ( UG ) views core rules as unmarked rules with universal significance .

  6. 第二部分主要讨论普遍语法理论的主要内容及其在第一语言习得中的作用。

    The second part discusses the general ideas about the UG theory and its role in language acquisition .

  7. 这种对语言共性的功能主义解释不同于形式主义学派的普遍语法理论。普遍语法与二语习得

    Such an explanation of linguistic universals contrasts with formalist theory of UG . Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition

  8. 传统语法认为不定式是短语,而普遍语法理论认为不定式分句,它与that从句有许多的相似点,也存在许多的不同。

    According to Universal Grammar , the infinitive is a clause instead of a phrase described by the traditional grammar .

  9. 上世纪中叶,乔姆斯基提出和发展了普遍语法理论,迄今普遍语法已为研究和解释第一语言习得提供了一个逻辑框架。

    Noam Chomsky 's universal grammar has offered a logical framework to explain the acquisition of the first language acquisition .

  10. 从八十年代初期开始,乔姆斯基发展了一种普遍语法理论,称为原则与参数理论。

    Since early 1980s Noam Chomsky developed a theory of universal grammar ( UG ) know as the principle-an-parameters theory .

  11. 所以,从配价的角度研究动词成为普遍语法理论的重要问题之一。

    So Studying the verb from the Valence angle has become one of the important issues for the universal grammar theory .

  12. 普遍语法理论吸引了大批的学者由一个全新的视角审视第一语言习得,即由外部语言研究转入内部语言研究。

    It has evoked enormous re-examination of language acquisition from a new angle , namely shifting from external language to internal language study .

  13. 这一优势使它成为普遍语法理论,其理论原则和分析方法被应用到包括句法在内的其他语言研究领域。

    This advantage enables it to become a universal grammatical theory , whose theoretical framework and methodology have been applied to fields other than phonology .

  14. 行为主义的对比分析理论、认知的创造性构建理论、乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论等从不同的角度对此做出了解释。

    Contrast analysis of behaviorism , creative construction theory of cognition and universal grammar theory of Chomsky have all ex-plained it from different points of view .

  15. 在他的天赋假说的基础上,乔姆斯基提出了他的著名的普遍语法理论和其它一些概念,如语言习得机制和语言能力。

    Based on the innateness hypothesis , Chomsky develops his Universal Grammar , and puts forward some concepts like LAD , competence , which are synonyms of yugan .

  16. 作为提出个人见解的理论基础,文章回顾了乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论,语言转换和克拉申的五个假设。

    As the theoretical basis of posing personal suggestion , the article review the universal grammar theory of Chomsky , language transform , and five hypotheses of Krashen .

  17. 乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论的中心思想是:人脑有一种先天的特定结构或属性,即语言习得机制,它是人类学会使用语言的内因。

    The central idea of universal grammar written by Chomsky is that the brain of human being has a structure or attribute which is congenital , namely language acquisition device , it is the internal cause which Mankind learn to use languages .

  18. 本文研究了有关语言迁移问题的文献资料,梳理了研究者们提出的相关理论,如普遍语法理论、参数理论、言语思维理论、经验理论等。

    This thesis has reviewed researches on language transfer and integrated the relevant theories claimed by different researchers , such as the theory of universal grammar , the theory of parameter settings , the theory of verbal thought , and the theory of experience .

  19. 文章对其中影响较大的根本差异假说进行了分析,讨论了其在理据上的不足,指出了目前普遍语法理论框架的优势和局限,探讨了走出研究困境的出路。

    This article analyzed one of those no - access views - Fundamental Difference Hypothesis and discussed the weakness in its supporting evidence as well as theoretical explanation in comparison with the UG theory , aiming to find a way out of the present research dilemma .

  20. 自从乔姆斯基于八十年代提出了原则和参数理论,普遍语法理论已被广泛地应用于第二语言习得研究领域,并迅速成为解答二语习得中逻辑问题的主流学说。

    Since 1980 's when Chomsky came up with the theory of " Principles and Parameters ", his ideas on Universal Grammar have been widely adopted in the field of Second Language Acquisition , and in a short time become the dominant theory explaining the logical problem in SLA .

  21. 本文以普遍语法的理论框架对母语为汉语的英语学习者对英语心理动词的习得进行了研究。

    This dissertation investigates the second language acquisition of English psych verbs by native speakers of Chinese within the generative theory .

  22. 普遍语法和母语迁移理论有力地解释了二语习得。

    Universal Grammar and first language transfer remains the two possible explanations to the intricacy of second language acquisition .

  23. 普遍语法是乔姆斯基语法理论的核心,是对传统观念的一种挑战。

    Universal grammar theory is the core of Chomsky grammar theories , and it is a challenge to the traditional sense .