
  • 网络galaxy formation
  1. 我们发现当宇宙学模型给定后,不同的星系形成图象将导致PVD的巨大差异。

    We find that within a given cosmological model different schemes of galaxy formation lead to significant changes of the PVD .

  2. 本文利用SloanDigitalSkySurvey(SDSS)结合目前星系形成的半解析模型研究不同类型星系的空间分布和速度分布的统计性质。

    In this thesis , we use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey ( SDSS ), supplemented by current semi-analytic models of galaxy formation , to study the statistical properties of the spatial and velocity distributions of different classes of galaxies .

  3. 建立在冷暗物质(CDM)和近标度不变原初扰动的结构形成理论成功地解释了宇宙大尺度和星系形成和演化的整体性质,已成为现代标准宇宙学模型的基础。

    Structure formation model based on the cold dark matter ( CDM ) theory and the nearly scale-invariant primordial perturbation has successfully explained the main features of observational properties of the large scale structure and galaxies .

  4. 盘状星系形成和演化的半解析研究

    Semi-analytic Modelling on the Formation and Evolution of Disk Galaxies

  5. 星系形成与演化半解析理论研究的新进展

    Investigation in the Semi-Analytic Theory for Galaxy Formation and Evolution

  6. 星系形成与宇宙大尺度结构

    Formation of Galaxies and Large Scale Structures in the Universe

  7. 暗晕的角动量分布及其对盘星系形成的意义

    Angular Momentum Distribution Within Dark Halos and Implications for Disk Galaxy Formation

  8. 宇宙恒星形成历史与星系形成和演化的半解析理论

    Cosmic Star formation History and the Semi-Analytic Models for Galaxy Formation and Evolution

  9. 它是代表了星系形成前某一阶段中的一种宇宙现象吗?

    Is it a universal phenomenon representing a stage prior to galaxy formation ?

  10. 大爆炸后10亿年,第一个星系形成了。

    One billion years after the Big Bang , the first galaxy forms .

  11. 星系形成和冷暗物质模型&(Ⅰ)暗物质与初始扰动谱

    Galaxy Formation and Cold Dark Matter Model (ⅰ) Dark Matter and Initial Fluctuation Spectrum

  12. 盘状星系形成中的角动量问题

    The Angular Momentum Problems in Disk Galaxy Formation

  13. 两位都是星系形成理论模型的世界级专家。

    They are among the world 's experts on the theoretical modeling of galaxy formation .

  14. 星系形成的新途径

    A New Way to Make Galaxies

  15. 而通过调节这两个参量,我们同时考虑了一系列的星系形成模型。

    We also consider a range of galaxy formation models by adjusting the two model parameters .

  16. 星系形成的超大型计算机模拟

    Super-computer Simulation for Galaxy Formation

  17. 从星系形成和演化的角度出发,对星系结构和动力学进行粗略的评述。

    Structure and dynamics of galaxies are reviewed from the point of galactic formation and evolution scenario .

  18. 宇宙大尺度结构的形成与星系形成密切相关。

    The formation of the large-scale structures in the universe is closely related to that of individual galaxies .

  19. 解决这个问题有助于我们确定有关星系形成的‘等级理论模型’在多大程度上仍然正确。

    Answering this question will help us determine to what degree the Hierarchical Model of galaxy formation still holds true .

  20. 一组科学家发现一批星系形成,两银河集群互撞。

    A team of scientists observed a group of galaxies that formed when two galaxy clusters smashed into each other .

  21. “非洲西北2364”的发现也帮助科学家坚定了对我们周围其他星系形成原理的理解。

    The discovery of Northwest Africa 2364 is also helping to firm up scientists ' understanding of how our local neighbourhood formed .

  22. 基于目前流行的冷暗物质等级成团理论的星系形成的半解析模型取得了很大进展。

    Based on the current popular hierarchical clustering model of Cold Dark Matter ( CDM ), The Semi-Anlytical Model ( SAM ) of galaxy formation have made impressive progress .

  23. 通过研究半解析和流体动力学两种星系形成模型,我们发现,暗物质晕中的星系分布对晕的形成时间也有强烈的依赖性。

    We find that , in halos of fixed mass , the number of satellite galaxies has a strong dependence on the halo age , with fewer satellites in older halos .

  24. 那些惊人的大爆炸(形成的宇宙风)将物质席卷一空,最后(星系形成的中心区域就)只剩下矮星系。这很像许多独立电影中描述的景象:夜空中闪烁着点点星光。

    Those spectacular explosions literally blow matter away , and you 're left with a dwarf galaxy that 's a lot like most independent films : a bit light on stars .

  25. 由于高光度和高质量损失率等特性,大质量恒星在星系形成和演化等现代天体物理学的研究中扮演着重要的角色。

    Due to their high luminosity and high mass-loss rates , massive stars are playing an important role in the studies of modern astrophysics , such as the formation and the evolution of galaxies .

  26. 第一章简要介绍相关的背景知识,包括结构形成和星系形成的理论模型、以及如何用星系红移巡天检验这些模型。

    The first chapter provides a brief introduction to the relevant background knowledge , including theoretical models of structure formation and galaxy formation , and how to test these models using redshift surveys of galaxies .

  27. 近年来发现了一批Z>4的类星体,这些高红移类星体使人们对早期宇宙中的大尺度结构演化和星系形成的理论模型提出了新的观点。

    A number of quasars with redshift Z > 4 have been discovered in recent years , which provide important constraints to theoretical models for the large scale structure evolution of the universe and the formation of galaxies at early time .

  28. 以及cD星系的形成和演化、团中成员星系的环境效应等,并进而说明星系团研究的重要科学意义。

    , and then the important significance of studies on clusters of galaxies is discussed .

  29. 本文利用N体数值模拟方法,讨论了旋涡星系中恒星形成对旋涡结构的维持作用。

    The effect of star formation on the maintenance of spiral structure has been discussed using three dimensional N-body simulation .

  30. 此外,x射线辐射也可以被用来限制宇宙中的恒星形成历史,星系的形成和演化等等重要课题。

    X-ray can also be used to constrain the formation and evolution history of galaxies in the universe .