- 名star burst

This study was aimed to examine the relationship between dendrites of direction-selective ( DS ) ganglion cell and processes of starburst amacrine cell in rabbit retina and to see how the dendritic interaction could contribute to the DS mechanism .
It would be the most notable example yet of the revival of starbursting .
Is NGC 7582 a Starburst Galaxy ?
" If the starbursts were driven by mergers , you would expect the latter ," says Dickinson .
In this paper , using disk-instability model and starburst model , the AGN optical variability and spectral slope variability are simulated and confronted with observations .
I remind them that Earth is a starship , and we are just passing through , said Mr. Mahoney , who distributes Starburst or Milky Way candies after the show .
Skin of fiery response : This psychoactive skin answers the first attack made against the wearer in each round with an automatically manifested and targeted " ectoburst " against the attacker .
The burst ejects from the skin on the wearer 's turn , making a ranged touch attack as described in the energy retort power , but the energy type chosen is always fire .