
  1. 他仍然比其他任何一个日本围棋手赚得更多,在技术上也排名世界第五。

    Mr Cho still earns more than any other go player in Japan and , say some , ranks fifth in the world in skill .

  2. 很长一段时间,日本是围棋最强国,而中国却落后了。

    For a long time Japan was the best in weiqi game , and China lagged behind .

  3. 随着计算机博弈在Othello、Checker和国际象棋等棋类上的成功,全世界的学者又把目光投到了中国象棋、日本将棋、围棋等更为复杂的棋类上面。

    After the computer game has successed in Othello , Checker , chess and so on , scholars around the world again eyeing on the Chinese chess , Shogi , Go and other more complex chess .

  4. 首次世界业余围棋锦标赛于1979年在日本举行,世界围棋协会也予1982年成立于日本。

    The first World amateur Weiqi Championship was held in Japan in 1979 and the International Weiqi Union was founded in 1982 in Japan .