
rì běn fó jiào
  • Japanese Buddhism
  1. 近现代日本佛教变革的特点

    The Characteristics of Japanese Buddhism Change in Modern Times

  2. 日本佛教,它为日本侵略者提供了精神动力;

    Japanese Buddhism , which has once provided the spiritual power for the Japanese invader ;

  3. 日本佛教的战争责任研究

    A Study on the War Responsibility of Japanese Buddhist Sects

  4. 可以说,日本佛教就是在与政治文化的交织中存在与发展的。

    It can be said that Japanese Buddhism existed and developed in the combination with political culture .

  5. 本文是对甲午战争前后日本佛教教团之动态所作的历史性描述。

    This article offers a historical description of the activities of the Japanese Buddhist groups during the War .

  6. 1977年日本佛教界朋友成立了日中友好净土宗协会。

    In 1977 , friends in the Japanese Buddhist world set up the Japan-China Friendship Association of the Sukhavati Sect .

  7. 近代在中国活动的外国宗教主要有天主教、基督教、东正教和日本佛教。

    Foreign religious that are in practice in modern China mainly include Catholicism , Christianity , the Orthodox Eastern Church , and Japanese Buddhism .

  8. 这些因素促使日莲宗(小编注:日本佛教宗派)的总部咨询办公室在最近组织了这样一场相亲盛事。

    As a result , one such matchmaking event was recently organised by a consultation office at the headquarters of the Buddhist order Nichiren Shu .

  9. 鉴真东渡对日本佛教、建筑、雕塑、医药、文学、饮食等方面的发展作出不朽贡献,产生深远影响。

    JIAN Zheng 's east-crossing has made immortal contributions to the development of Buddhism , architecture , sculpture , medicine , literature and diet in Japan .

  10. 日本佛教界朋友们在战后非常困难的情况下,为促进中日友谊作了大量工作。我对新西兰在与中国贸易合作中发展起来的友谊&立起来的信心是非常看重的。

    After World War II , friends in the Japanese Buddhist world did a lot to promote the friendship between Japan and China under most difficult conditions .

  11. 日本佛教以护国为其贯彻始终的鲜明特色,这表现的是佛教积极入世的宗教实践精神,有着深刻的思想渊源与经典依据。

    Japanese Buddhism regards safeguarding the nation as its prominent feature . This embodied the spirit of entering the world actively , which had profound thought and sutra foundation .

  12. 为吸引人们的兴趣并增加收入,日本佛教寺庙目前开发了很多创新性的项目,主要包括爵士乐休息室、美容沙龙、时装秀和嘻哈音乐会。

    A growing number of innovative projects have been developed by Buddhist temples in Japan in order to revive interest and income from opening jazz lounges and beauty salons to catwalk shows and hip hop concerts .

  13. 1942年秋,日本佛教界著名人士常盘大定博士、管原惠庆长老等专程前来玄中寺举行了纪念云鸾大师圆寂一千四百年奉赞会。

    In the fall of 1942 , Dr. Daitei Tokiwa and Master Keikyo Sugehara made a special trip to the Mystery Monastery and held a ceremony there in commemoration of the 1400th anniversary of the death of Master Tanluan .

  14. 摘要江南佛教在中国佛教向海外弘传方面发挥了极其重要的作用,其中最显著和最典型的即是江南佛教对日本佛教的影响。

    Buddhism of the south of the Changjiang River plays a very improtant role in expanding Chinese Buddhism to foreign most outstanding and typical role among them is the effect of Buddhism of the south of the Changjiang River on Japanese buddhism .

  15. 古代日本佛教寺院势力的上升是以政治地位的提高为前提条件,以经济实力为后盾的,并且两者相辅相成,随着佛教的影响而扩大,伴随着庄园制的发展而高涨的。

    The ascendant of the power of Buddhism Temple in ancient Japan is based on the rising of political position and the economical power , both of which supplement each other . The power of temple expands under the influence of the Buddhism and with the development of Manor System .

  16. 日本佛教界朋友们在战后非常困难的情况下,为促进中日友谊作了大量工作。1953年大谷萤润、管原惠庆等收集了战争中在日本殉难的七千余中国烈士之遗骨送还中国。

    After World War II , friends in the Japanese Buddhist world did a lot to promote the friendship between Japan and China under most difficult conditions In 1953 , Eyun Otani , Keikyo Sugehara and others gathered remains of over 7000 Chinese prisoners of war who died in Japan during the war , and sent them back to China .

  17. 非中国化与非宗派化:日本批判佛教论及其效应

    De-sinicization and De-sectarization : Japanese Critical Buddhism and its Impact

  18. 元代浙江与日本的佛教文化交流史

    The Intercourse between Zhejiang and Japan on Buddhism Culture in the Yuan Dynasty

  19. 我想改变日本的佛教,使之在今天发挥作用。

    I wanted to change Japanese Buddhism so that it would be relevant for today .

  20. 19世纪末20世纪初,日本的佛教清国开教实质上是对中国的侵略行为。

    In late 19th century and beginning of 20th century , Japan Buddhism did their missions towards China in essence , to aggress against China .

  21. 而在朝鲜半岛和日本,佛教虽然刚刚传入,却形成了政治佛教、国家宗教。

    It is spread in Japan and the Korean Peninsula later than in China , but it has become political Buddhism as well as a state religion then .

  22. 在日本,佛教是仅次于传统民族宗教神道教的第二大宗教。近些年由于佛教受欢迎程度急剧下降,众多寺庙都面临着财政困难。

    Buddhism , the nation 's second major faith after Shinto , has suffered a steep decline in popularity in recent years , with many temples facing financial difficulties as a result .

  23. 池田作为日本最大的佛教团体&创价学会的实际领导人,在日本和全世界有着广泛的社会文化影响。

    Chi Tian Da Zou , the real leader of Chuang Jia Society , the biggest Buddhist organization in Japan , enjoys widely social and cultural influence at home and abroad .

  24. 在日本聘请一位佛教僧侣的费用约为2200美元,这是非常昂贵的。

    Hiring a human Buddhist priest for a funeral in Japan costs around $ 2200 .

  25. 在日本它们被用于佛教寺庙里既是装饰品又是祭祀之前的清洁净化喷水装置的头。

    In Japan they are used in Buddhist temples ` both as decoration and as fountain heads for purification before worship .

  26. 在日本,武士道有佛教、神道教、孔孟之道的儒家学说几个思想渊源。

    In Japan , Bushido has several ideological sources , such as Buddhism , Taoism and the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius .

  27. 在中国和日本,汉译佛教词语构成宗教、伦理、哲学等领域的中坚概念。

    In China and Japan , the Buddhist words of Chinese translation constituted the nuclear concepts in the fields of religion , ethics , philosophy etc.

  28. 日本首都东京,佛教僧侣们正在参加一系列相亲活动。在日本僧侣是可以结婚组成家庭的。

    A number of matchmaking events involving Buddhist monks , who are permitted to marry and have families in Japan , have taken place in the capital .

  29. 文章用实证的方法说明了日本新兴宗教与佛教对稻盛和夫经营哲学的影响,并且指出,在佛教的诸多流派中,对稻盛哲学影响最大的是禅宗。

    This dissertation also illustrates the influence of new Japanese religions and Buddhism on Kazuo Inamori 's management philosophy and indicates that Zen is the most influential genre on his management philosophy .

  30. 通过以上3方面对比发现,日本的鬼确实受到中国文化影响,但不是中国的鬼文化,而是从中国传入日本的佛教及中国的道教。

    In the further analysis of the three different aspects of ghost culture mentioned above , the author also find out that Japanese culture of ghosts is under the chief influence of Chinese Buddhism and Taoism , but not Chinese ghost culture .