
  • 网络passive detection;passive detection,passive sounding
  1. 基于CDMA导频信号的无源探测方案

    A passive detection scheme based on CDMA pilot signals

  2. 3mm与8mm波段无源探测特性的比较

    Comparison of 3 mm and 8 mm waveband passive detection

  3. 在分析GPS信号特性的基础上,对利用GPS进行舰船目标的无源探测进行了分析研究。

    With the analysis of the feature of GPS signal , passive detecting for ship objects using GPS signal is studied in this paper .

  4. 详细说明了8mm无源探测系统的工作方式和具体工作参数。

    The idiographic working mode and parameters of 8mm passive detection are explained in detail .

  5. 同时结合短波差分跳频系统的FFT解调,提出了一种基于干扰矩心频率ICF(InterferenceCentroidFrequency)的无源探测实时选频方案。

    Due to FFT demodulation of DFH communication system , an HF passive RTFS solution based on signal energy and ICF ( Interference Centroid Frequency ) is presented in detailed .

  6. 无源探测和定位系统属于电子情报侦察/电子支援系统,是电子战(EW)系统的一个重要组成部分。

    Passive detector and location system belongs to the electronic detector / aiding system , which is an important part of Electronic War ( EW ) System .

  7. 毫米波无源探测信号处理与仿真系统的研究

    Research on Signal Processing and Simulation System of MMW Passive Detection

  8. 微波无源探测技术在制导和定位中的应用

    The Application of Passive Microwave Detection Technology for Guidance and Positioning

  9. 小波变换在毫米波无源探测信号处理中的应用

    Application of Wavelet Transform in Signal Process of MMW Passive Detection

  10. 一种新型无源探测与跟踪雷达系统&沉默哨兵

    Silent Sentry : a Novel Passive Detecting and Tracking Radar System

  11. 递推最小二乘算法在新型无源探测系统中的应用

    Application of recursive least square in single station passive location

  12. 新型无源探测系统中的超分辨测向系统设计与实现

    Design and Accomplish of SR-DF System in the Novel Passive Locating System

  13. 毫米波无源探测的信号仿真和特征研究

    Signal Emulation and Character Research of the Passive Detection of Millimeter Wave

  14. 单站纯方位无源探测定位的若干技术的研究激光探测和定位装置

    Research of Some Technologies on Bearing-Only System ; laser detection and ranging

  15. 海底光缆无源探测技术及其实现

    Technology of positive fault detection for optical submarine cable and its realization

  16. 基于多辐射源的无源探测技术

    Passive Detection Technique Based on Multi - point Radiation

  17. 毫米波无源探测信号特征分析及数据处理系统研制

    Research on Signal Characterization Analysis and Datum Process System of MMW Passive Detection

  18. 一种无源探测与跟踪雷达时差接收机

    A Time-difference Receiver for Passive Detection and Tracking Radar

  19. 基于电容近感原理的无源探测信号分析

    Detection Signal Analysis for Passive Proximity Detection System Based on Theory of Capacitance

  20. 而在无源探测技术中,无源测向是种极其重要的手段。

    Passive direction finding is an extremely important manner in the non-cooperative passive detection .

  21. 毫米波无源探测成像是一种新的成像技术。

    Passive millimeter wave detecting and imaging is a new kind of imaging technology .

  22. 海缆无源探测数据采集系统的设计

    Data Acquisition System Based on Designing of MCBSP

  23. 空中目标无源探测方法研究

    Method Research of no Launcher Detect Air Objective

  24. 本文选用多普勒频率变化率定位法作为海上无源探测系统的定位方法。

    The paper selects the Doppler changing rate method in naval passive location system .

  25. 多维分配的剪枝法及其在无源探测跟踪中的应用

    A Pruning Algorithm of Multi-Dimension Assignment Problem and Its Application in Passive Target Detection

  26. 基于多信息处理的机动单站无源探测定位研究

    A Research on Passive Detection and Location of Single Mobile Observer by Multiple Information Process

  27. 对于毫米波无源探测系统的特征信号,还从小波分析的角度进行了研究。

    Also , the paper has researched the characteristic signal in terms of wavelet analysis .

  28. 短波跳频系统信道的无源探测研究

    A study on the method of passive sounding of channels for short wave frequency-hopping system

  29. 无源探测定位技术分析

    Analysis of Passive Detection and Location Technology

  30. 无源探测定位方法研究

    Studying of Passive Tracking Location Measures