
wú yuán zhī shuǐ
  • water without a source
无源之水[wú yuán zhī shuǐ]
  1. 没有输入,输出无异于无源之水。

    Without input , output is like water without a source .

  2. 没有了健康,生命成了无源之水,无本之木。

    Without health , life is like water without a source , or a tree without the root .

  3. 学校文化从来都不是无源之水,它是在学校发展的历史过程中逐渐积淀而成的。

    It has been accumulated during the historical process of school development .

  4. 离开了先进的性别文化,先进文化将无从谈起,反之也一样,离开了先进文化,先进性别文化也将成为无源之水,无本之木。

    Advanced culture is nonsense without advanced sexual culture , conversely is same .

  5. 不能筹措到足量的资金,高速公路的建设便是无源之水。

    Highway construction would be a river without water if there are no sufficient funds .

  6. 如果没有充分的档案开放利用的支持,历史学科就成了无源之水,无本之木。

    History will be water without a source of no support from archives opening use .

  7. 否则,谈改进和完善只能是无根之木,无源之水。

    Otherwise , innovation is just water without a source and a tree without roots .

  8. 因此,即便是实践中作出类似处理,由于缺乏理论支撑,不得已论为无本之木,无源之水。

    Therefore , even similar treatments exist in practice , it still lacks of theoretical supports .

  9. 如果缺乏强有力的执行效力,政府的公共政策和战略决策只能是无本之木、无源之水。

    Without the strong executive ability , public policies and strategic decision-making will lose the foundation .

  10. 从客观方面看,学校教育情境是其根源,没有它学校恐惧便成无源之水。

    From the objective side , school education context is the root of Fear in School .

  11. 乡土视听艺术并非无源之水,而是有着深厚的历史渊源。

    Native audio-visual art is not the water without the source , but with a long history .

  12. 随着证券市场基石的不断倒下和离去,股市也便成了无源之水。

    The stock market has also become passive water with the cornerstone of the stock market fallen .

  13. 没有政府信息资源的有效释放,经济和社会的信息化也只能是无源之水,无本之木。

    Without the release of government information resources , economic and social informationization are difficult to realize .

  14. 只有地质资料汇交工作顺利开展,才能谈得上为社会服务,没有地质资料汇交,地质资料社会化服务就是无源之水、无本之木。

    Only the collection work of geological data develop smoothly can up to the service for society .

  15. 没有资本,公司的生存和发展将成为无源之水。

    Without capital , the existence and development of the company will become the water without a source .

  16. 山里的采药人认为这些无源之水就是圣水,这种习惯一直沿袭至今。

    The mountain CaiYaoRen think like these is holy water , this habit has been has followed so far .

  17. 这表明京房的这种思维模式并不是无源之水,无本之木。

    This manifests that his thinking mode isn 't like water without a source , or a tree without roots .

  18. 一方面,金融业的产生和发展建立在商品经济发展的基础上,商品经济越发展,金融也就越发达,脱离了商品经济,金融就成了无源之水。

    On one hand , the emergence and development of financial industry were built on the basis of commodity economy .

  19. 本章认为苏轼的散文理论不是无源之水,无本之木。

    This chapter thinks that his prose theory is not the water without a source and a tree without roots .

  20. 研究生思想政治工作并不是无源之水,而是有其存在的根据。

    Ideological and political work of postgraduate education isnot water without source and it has its own reasons of existence .

  21. 有关融合的背景,没有无源之水,也没有无根之木,美国独特的经济、政治、文化背景是互联网内容生产与消费融合得以实现的土壤。

    Its unique background of economy , politics and culture of USA has nourished the integration of internet content production and consumption .

  22. 总之证据是诉讼活动的基础,离开了证据,一切诉讼活动都将成为无本之木、无源之水。

    Anyhow evidence is the lawsuit activity of foundation , leaving evidence ; all legal activities will be too weak , like .

  23. 德育改革从来就不是无源之水、无本之木,它与哲学的联系十分紧密。

    The moral education innovation has never been the water without source or a tree without root , and it is closely connected with philosophy .

  24. 战略性竞争优势即长期持续核心竞争力的形成与保持是由多方面的因素决定的,这些因素作用的发挥都离不开现金流的支撑,离开现金流,它们将成为无源之水。

    Strategic competitive advantage is formed and kept by various factors . Leaving the cash flow , these factors will be the water without source .

  25. 缺失银行文化,银行也就只是无本之木、无源之水,更遑论形成核心竞争力了。

    A bank without culture is just like " trees without roots , water without sources ," do not even thought to mention the core competence .

  26. 词汇是语言的基石,离开了词汇,语言知识的掌握无从谈起,利用语言交际也将是无源之水。

    Vocabulary is the base of language , mastering the language knowledge begins with the vocabulary , and communication in language can not do without vocabulary .

  27. 行刑活动作为一种实践活动,必须有相应的理论做支撑,否则就是无源之水,无本之木。

    As a practical activity , execution should be supported by corresponding theory , or it will become water without a source , a tree without roots .

  28. 没有了资金,企业的经营发展就变成了无源之水、无本之木,将难以在激烈的市场竞争中生存、发展。

    No capital , the management of the enterprise development became hard to like , non-existent , in the fierce competition in the market survival and development .

  29. 新的思考和研究必须借鉴以往研究的理论资源,否则就成了无源之水,无本之木。

    New thinking must draw on past research for theoretical resources . Otherwise , it would turn out to be water without source , forest without trees .

  30. 伊格尔顿对纯文学理论的解构首先依据逻辑推理,在他看来既然纯文学不存在、纯文学批评不存在,那么更高层次的文学理论也是无源之水、无根之木了。

    In his opinion , the pure literature does not exist , either does pure literary criticism . Then , the literary theory in the higher level is rootless .