
  • 网络anhydrite;Anhydrous Gypsum
  1. 本文介绍了β系列三种石膏脱水相&半水石膏、无水石膏(Ⅲ)和无水石膏(Ⅱ)的试验室制备条件。

    Preparation of dehydrated gypsum phases of β - series in forms of hemihydrates , anhydrite (ⅱ) and anhydrite (ⅲ) in laboratory is presented in the paper .

  2. Ⅱ型无水石膏煅烧工艺及其改性研究

    Study on the Calcine Technology and Modifying Property of ⅱ - anhydrite

  3. 以脱硫石膏与粉煤灰两种工业废渣为主要原料制得的粉煤灰无水石膏胶结材(以下简称FAB),具有比石膏制品高的强度与耐水性。

    The strength and water-resistance of fly ash anhydrite binder ( be called FAB in short ) . which its main raw materials are desulphogypsum and fly ash , are higher than those ordinary gypsumpreducts .

  4. 煅烧温度在600℃所制无水石膏水泥强度最大。

    The maxim strength is found when calcination temperature is600 ℃ .

  5. 烟道气无水石膏用作水泥的硫酸盐掺合料

    Anhydrite from Flue Gas Used as Sulphate Admixture for Cement

  6. 熟料-无水石膏系统与粉煤灰-石灰-无水石膏系统的水化产物

    The Hydration Products of Clinker-anhydrite System and Fly Ash-lime-anhydrite System

  7. 无水石膏外墙板18年后的相组成和显微结构

    Phase Composition and Microstructure of Anhydrite External Wallboard after 18 Years ' Exposure

  8. 消石灰、无水石膏与石灰石粉对矿渣水泥性能的影响

    Effect of hydrated lime , anhydrite and limestone powder on performance of slag cement

  9. 应用经高温处理的无水石膏,探讨了熔融白水泥的水化特性、物理力学性能、抗碳化性能等。

    The hydration characteristics , physical and mechanical properties and carbonation resistance are discussed with the use of anhydrous gypsum treated by high temperature .

  10. 无水石膏(Ⅲ)的剧烈初始水化作用和未脱水二水石膏的核晶作用是造成熟石膏需水量和凝结时间不正常的主要因素。

    Anomaly in water requirement and setting of plaster is attributed mainly to the vigor-ous initial hydration of anhydrite (ⅲ) and the nucleation of non-dehydrated gypsum .

  11. 在探讨AⅡ无水石膏水化机理的基础上,研究了不同激发剂对AⅡ无水石膏的激发作用,采用内掺煅烧明矾石和消石灰制成了硬石膏白水泥。

    In this paper , we discuss the hydration mechanism of anhydrite ⅱ , study accelerating actions anhydrite ⅱ with different accelerating agent , fabricate the white anhydrite cement adding burned alunite and assimilation lime as the accelerating agents .

  12. 将磷石膏在高温下煅烧成无水硬石膏,在合适的激发剂作用下,使之达到复合硅酸盐水泥质量要求,即制成地板石膏;

    Phosphogypsum is calcined into anhydrite at high temperature and can be used as the raw material of compound silicon cement and then made into floor gypsum .