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  1. 更有可能的是,“我爱你,”然后在一个星期五晚上几瓶酒过后,在开源肩旁给其突然的一击。

    More like ," I love you , man ," and punching open source in the shoulder after a few extra beers on a Friday night .

  2. 肿瘤侵犯鼻咽部、咽旁筋膜和其有关间隙的CT表现

    Computed tomography of the tumor involved nasopharynx and related spaces

  3. 十二指肠乳头旁憩室因其特殊的解剖位置,其临床意义日渐受到重视。

    The clinical significance of periampullary diverticula ( PAD ) is acquainted because of its special anatomic location .

  4. 在101例口腔扁平苔藓中,93例表达Ki-67,阳性细胞位于增生上皮或萎缩上皮的基底细胞和基底旁细胞中,其阳性细胞比例为37.1%。

    Ki-67 was expressed in 93 cases out of 101 cases of OLP which located in epithelial hyperplasia or atrophy epithelial cells in the basement and adjacent cells , the ratio of positive cells was 37.1 % .

  5. 目的:观察不同浓度的尼尔雌醇(NYL)和左炔诺孕酮(LNG)对MG63细胞株OPG/OPGL表达的作用,探讨旁分泌效应对其表达的影响。

    Objective To determine the effect of nylestriol and levonorgestrel on mRNA expression of OPG / OPGL in MG-63 cell lines , and to explore whether the paracrine effect is involved in the regulation course .

  6. 这说明,生长激素和谷氨酰胺的联合应用可能通过上调小肠粘膜细胞IGF1mRNA的表达,增加IGF1的自分泌和旁分泌,发挥其促进细胞分裂增殖和抑制细胞凋亡作用,从而防止小肠粘膜萎缩的发生。

    Combination treatment with growth hormone and glutamine prevented intestinal mucosal atrophy possibly by up regulating expression of IGF 1 mRNA and furthering autocrine and paracrine of IGF 1 in intestinal mucosa to promote intestinal cell proliferation and decrease apoptosis .

  7. 地&井激电法在探测井旁盲矿有其独到的作用。

    Surface - borehole IP in mine detection Blind Ore beside the borehole has its unique role .

  8. 这位仪表堂堂的72岁老人坐在他办公室里一张巨大的木桌旁,四周不是其商海生涯的纪念品(大啤酒杯、奖杯与照片),就是他对制造业热情的佐证。

    The imposing 72-year-old is seated at a giant wooden desk in his office , surrounded by memorabilia of a life in business – tankards , awards and pictures – and evidence of his passion for manufacturing .