
  • 网络new channel
  1. 在进行复习时要严格按照正规考试的要求来进行模考,新航道GRE培训名师认为尽管数学比较简单,但是它的要求有高。

    In a review in strict accordance with the regular examination to the requirement of the exam , new channel GRE , says that although mathematics teacher training is simple , but it has high demand .

  2. 加入了北京新航道学校。

    I joined the new channel school in beijing .

  3. 高桥新航道是黄浦江第一个过渡段浅滩航道。

    Gaoqiao new channel is the first transition section of shoals in Huangpu River .

  4. 新航道每年的疏浚费用约为74000000美元。

    New channel are being dredged each year at a cost of about $ 74,000,000 .

  5. 新航道雅思口语培训班会在这一方面为您提供训练。

    New ielts speaking training in the channel on the one hand , for you will provide training .

  6. 二、开辟了中国到达红海、东非沿岸的新航道。

    Second , it opened the sea route from China to the Red Sea and the seacoast of the East Africa .

  7. 如果您想参加托福考试可以报名新航道学校托福培训班学习。

    If you want to take the toefl exam can sign up new channel school training class to study the toefl .

  8. 在追逐梦想、励志求学的征途上,新航道愿与大家共同成长,一起分享成功的喜悦!

    In chasing the dream , inspiring journey , study new channel may grow up together with you , share the joy of success !

  9. 由于跨越太平洋到达西班牙的美洲属地的新航道的发现,该区域获利颇丰,经济开始繁荣,不满渐渐消退。

    Profiting from the newly discovered route across the Pacific to the Spanish possessions in America , the region began to prosper and discontent receded .

  10. 想要提高自己的单词记忆力最重要的是对自己有信心,相信自己无论多复杂的单词都可以攻克。新航道英语培训班是您英语学习最好的选择。

    Want to improve their own words memory is the most important have confidence in yourself , believe in yourself no matter how complex words can conquer .

  11. 让自己保有乐观积极的备考心态,不要主观上认定自己不行,新航道雅思培训认为心态决定成果,相信自己一定可以。

    Let oneself have positive note , don 't mind that no , subjective new channel ielts training think psychology decides results , believe that I can .

  12. 大家可以来报名新航道雅思口语辅导班在外教老师的带领下纠正发音的同时还能跟同学一起练习。

    We can come to sign up new channel ielts speaking foreign teacher , under the leadership of correct pronunciation of in the meantime also can practice with my classmates .

  13. 在新航道雅思培训班中老师就会经常带领考生模拟真实的雅思口语考试情节,增加考生的临场应变能力。

    In the new channel ielts training classes , teachers will often lead the examinee simulation true of the ielts speaking test plots , increase of examinee face strain capacity .

  14. 托福是在一天之内进行完毕英语能力测试的,新航道学校告诉大家可以重复参加考试以便提高自己的托福成绩。

    Toefl in one day is the ability of English test , the new channel school to repeat the test can tell you so as to improve their toefl scores .

  15. 考试是有时间限制的,因此新航道培训提醒考生不论你参加什么类型考试为了最大化的取得分数要适当的进行取舍。

    The exam is limited by the time , so the new channel training remind candidates whether you to attend what type of exam in order to maximize the appropriate to take points to choose .

  16. 在单词记忆上新航道英语培训课程中老师有讲授各种不同的记忆技巧希望学员能够选择一两种最适合自己的方法进行记忆。

    In the word memory on a new channel English training course , teachers have taught all sorts of different memory skills the students can choose one to two kinds of the most suitable method for memory .

  17. 新航道国际教育集团——中国一家英语辅导机构的董事长胡敏称,成绩不被公布的主要原因,可能是考生在四部分测试内容中所表现出来的水平极度不平衡。

    Hu Min , president of New Channel International Education Group , an English-language tutorial agency in China , said a major cause of results being withheld might be an extreme imbalance in performance levels in the four sections of the test .

  18. 根据天然河流的特性,结合以往航道整治经验教训,以及中国传统文化和美学,提出了一种新的航道浅滩整治方法&空间流线型设计法,并结合其工程应用实例进行说明。

    Basing on the characteristics of natural rivers , and combining the experience and lessons from previous waterway regulation engineering , Chinese traditional culture and esthetics , this paper puts forward a new method for shoal regulation , i.e. space streamline design method , which is explained with an example .

  19. 在这种形势下,承担煤炭运输重任的港口,纷纷通过兴建新码头、航道整治等大型工程项目提高港口的能源运输能力。

    Under this circumstance , the coal ports one after another through the construction of new terminals , sea-route repair , and other large projects enhance their energy transport capacity .

  20. 沿江物流需求快速增长,西江干线沿江区域物流发展也呈现出新特点,航道服务水平与沿江区域物流的发展步伐渐显不协调。

    With the rapid growth demand of the logistics around River , the West River regional logistics development along waterway showing appear new features , it starts to prove inconsistent for the development pace of waterway services and regional logistics .

  21. 不,做一个哥伦布,寻找你自己内心的新大陆和新世界,开辟新航道,不是为了贸易,而是为了思想。

    Nay , be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you , opening new channels , not of trade , but of thought .

  22. 在进行雅思口语备考时考生要多关注一下最新考试话题,大家可以定期登陆新航道网站,这里的雅思题库会随时更新。

    In the ielts speaking exam , the examinee to focus on the latest examination topic , everybody can regularly on the new channel of the ielts question bank website , this will be updated .