
  • 网络new victory
  1. 在中国南方建设一个“标志性”核燃料加工和设备生产中心的计划在群众上街抗议的第二天被叫停,这是中国风起云涌的“邻避”(not-in-my-backyard)运动取得的新胜利。

    Plans for a ' showcase ' nuclear fuel processing and equipment manufacturing center in southern China were canceled a day after protesters filled the streets to oppose the project , marking a new victory for the country 's growing not-in-my-backyard movement .

  2. 中国西部重镇兰州市是甘肃省省会所在地,作为核心商业地域的兰州新胜利宾馆重建项目即将启动。

    The New Victory Hotel Reconstruction Project , stands at core area of Lanzhou , the capital city of west crucial Gansu province in China , is about to start .

  3. 虽然上述判决标志着其在美国取得最新胜利,但欧洲法庭却宣判Ebay败诉于路易酩轩(LVMH),并在近几个月里做出了两项判决,各判罚Ebay赔偿数百万美元。

    While this marks its latest victory in America , courts in Europe have been ruling in favour of LVMH , handing down two multi-million dollar judgements in recent months .

  4. 夺取湖南化学工业改革和发展的新胜利&湖南省石油化学工业局郎艺珠局长1998年1月5日在全省化工工作会议上的讲话摘要

    Striving for New Victories of Reform and Development in Hunan Chemical Industry

  5. 我们仍能延续年会的精神,发挥团队力量,政通人和,共同夺取更大的新胜利!

    We will keep the spirit of the national conference , and develop our team power to strive for the further improvement and victory .

  6. 它对于推动我国经济社会发展,夺取全面建设小康社会的新胜利,加快社会主义现代化建设进程具有很强的现实意义。

    It has great practical significance in promoting China economic and social development , winning new victories in building the comprehensive construction affluent society , accelerating the process of socialist modernization .

  7. 我们同心同德,再接再厉。奋发图强,不断夺取改革开放和现代化建设事业的新胜利。

    The Chinese people , united with one heart and one mind , continue our concerted and unyielding efforts , and achieve further successes in reform , opening up and the modernization drive .

  8. 为我们党在21世纪全面加强党的建设,不断推进理论创新,赢得建设有中国特色社会主义的新胜利奠定了科学的思想基础,提供了正确的行动指南。

    These have laid scientific ideological foundation and provided proper guidance for our Party to strengthen its own constuction , to keep promoting theoretical innovation and to succeed in constructing socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  9. 他们现在正在新发明胜利俱乐部开两周一次的例会。

    They are now holding their fortnightly meetings at The New Invention Victory Club .

  10. TAD会有新的胜利条件,例如弑君吗?

    Will there be new winning conditions in TAD , like Regicide ?

  11. 世贸组织(WTO)裁定,中国歧视外国电子支付供应商,使美国在关于市场准入的贸易争端中赢得了最新的胜利。

    The World Trade Organisation ruled that China discriminates against foreign electronic payment providers , handing the US its latest victory in a trade dispute over market access in the Asian nation .

  12. 弘扬民族精神争取新的胜利

    March towards new victories with the national spirit of Cuba

  13. 我们在新的胜利中欢欣鼓舞。

    We fill with exultation in the new victory .

  14. 你们在主要战线上获得一系列新的胜利和突破,请接受我们最热烈的祝贺。

    Accept my warmest congratulations on your new set of victories and penetrations on your main front .

  15. 我们使用了要求系统去制作了一个新的胜利方式。

    Erek Paxton : We used the quest system in BtS to introduce a new victory condition .

  16. 遵义会议为中国革命找到了一条从胜利走向新的胜利的光辉道路。

    As a result , the Chinese revolution since then went from one success to another , till the final victory .

  17. 来自利比亚的报道称,在叛军控制的城市米苏拉塔周围,叛军针对政府军取得了新的胜利。

    Reports from Libya say that rebel forces have made new gains against government troops around the rebel-held city of Misrata .

  18. 近期居住在美国人口最稠密州的移民取得了一系列胜利,而这项举措是最新的胜利。

    The move is the latest in a string of recent victories for immigrants living in the country 's most populous state .

  19. 中国特色社会主义理论指引改革开放伟大事业取得新的胜利&纪念改革开放三十周年

    Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Guides the Great Cause of Reform and Opening-up to Achieve New Victories & To Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up

  20. 要使我们的事业不断取得新的胜利,就要坚持用马列主义的基本原理指导实践,从实际出发创造性地解决问题,做到言与行的统一。

    If we want to win new victories continuously , we must insist on using fundamental tenets of Marxism-Leninism to guide practice , solve problems and make the deeds match the words .

  21. 但这些明显和真实的怪癖,很快便淹没在他不断生长的旺盛和聪慧的精神,也以新的胜利抹去了自身的缺陷。

    But these foibles , real or apparent , were fast vanishing in the incessant growth of a spirit so robust and wise , and which effaced its defeats with new triumphs .

  22. 球迷都在指望新球员打出胜利之路。

    The fans are looking to the new players to point the way to victory .

  23. 但这位海滩新赢家的胜利只是他烦恼的开始。

    But this beachmaster 's triumph is just the begining of his troubles .

  24. 与西班牙人比赛,对他们来说首场在新球场比赛胜利非常重要。

    The game against Espanyol was massive for them with the opening of their new stadium .

  25. 因此,对新形势下胜利油田的投资管理工作进行研究探讨,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    So it 's of great significance to study the investment management of Shengli Oilfield under the new situations .

  26. 自由膨胀比测定新方法在胜利油区砂岩储层评价中的应用下部油层防砂绕丝筛管

    Application of the Relative Free Swelling Ratio Testing of Clay Minerals in Sandstone Reservoirs Evaluation in Shengli Oil Field , China

  27. 引导;指引证据似乎指向那个方向。球迷都在指望新球员打出胜利之路。

    The evidence seems to point in that direction . The fans are looking to the new players to point the way to victory .

  28. 这一次对枯燥材料的巧妙分析,是新人和新方法的胜利,其中艾伦亦有贡献。

    This clever analysis of essentially dull material represented a victory for the new men and the new methods , in which Alan had a personal share .

  29. 双方都宣称自己赢得胜利,然而最新进展表明赢得胜利的是政府一方。

    Both sides were claimed victories in it , the latest victory is by the government .

  30. 陶工在光明球场一直都没什么好比赛出现,他们还未曾在桑得兰的新主场获得过胜利。

    The Potters haven 't got the greatest record at the Stadium of Light , having never won at Sunderland 's new ground .