
  • 网络Neocortex;neocortical
  1. NE在纹状体及新皮层呈持续降低,而在其它脑区下降前有短暂上升;

    The content of NE dropped continuously in striatum and neocortex , but in other regions rose at first and then fell ;

  2. 这并不是不可能的事情,但回答非常复杂的问题的时候就会感觉困难,不过如果双腿站稳就可以避免这种感觉,Wood表示,这与边缘爬行动物大脑与大脑新皮层之间的切换能力有关系。

    Its not impossible , but its difficult to answer highly complex questions unless both of your feet are on the ground , Wood says . It has to do with being able to go back and forth easily between the limbic reptilian brain to the neocortex brain .

  3. 急性分离大鼠新皮层神经元上激活的K(ATP)单电导多通道电流

    The activated multi channel currents with single conductance of k_ ( atp ) channel in acutely dissociated cerebral neurons of rats

  4. 应用大鼠4血管关闭(4VO)方法制作全脑缺血再灌流模型,观察海马、新皮层及皮层下结构在缺血及再灌流不同时相Na+K+&ATP酶活性变化。

    The Na + K + - ATPase activites in hippocampus , subcortex ( including thalamus and striatum ) and neocortex of Wistar rat brain during ischemia and different reperfusion periods were determined .

  5. 应用反相高效液相&电化学检测技术测定了大鼠全脑缺血15rain及再灌流1h至7d纹状体、海马、丘脑及新皮层的NE、E、DA含量的变化。

    Contents of DA . NE and E in hippocampus , thalamus , stratum and neocortex of Wistar rat brains were assayed by high - performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector during 15-min global ischemia and different periods of postischemic reperfusion .

  6. 它已经显示出在新皮层神经元迁移和退化中发挥了作用。Collapsin-1还可能在成年中枢神经系统的伤疤的形成、发生颉抗和轴突退化的抑制中发挥作用。

    It has also been suggested that Collapsin-1 might play a role in scar formation in the adult CNS , angiogenesis , and inhibition of axon regeneration . Collapsin-1 has been shown to play a role in the migration and regeneration of neocortical neurons .

  7. 即使是坚果上的皱纹或褶皱上的螺帽就像新皮层。

    Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex .

  8. 我们已进入他的大脑新皮层。

    We 've entered his neocortex .

  9. 当时邓巴对不同的灵长类动物的社群规模和脑部大小进行了比对研究,发现新皮层更大的灵长类物种在更大的社群内相互梳理毛发。

    Dunbar had been looking at the social group size and the brain size of different primates , and found that primate species with larger neocortices had grooming relationships with larger social groups .