- new tide;a new wave;fashion;newfashioned

(1) [new tide]∶新涨的潮水
(2) [fashion]∶在特殊时间或季节内被确立或采用的通行的或公认的服装或个人装饰的样式或一批样式
We produce shirts big square , elegant and new tide .
Japan new tide clan
University campuses are often the bellwether of change .
John lived in a stylishly shambolic artist 's studio .
I used to wear trendy gear but it just looked ridiculous .
They were very modern Tories in almost every sense
She is very modern in outlook .
Tousled hair and designer stubble are chic
You 'll spend lots on clothes if you always follow the fashion .
It is a funky restaurant with very interesting art on the walls .
High Brightness LED Outdoor Lighting Trendy and Drive Technology
Times New Roman is rarely appropriate in a futuristic web2.0-enabled society .
General motors , Ford , and American Motors hurried to compete .
Newly-designed 14K gold jewellery following the world trend can fully satisfy modern women 's demand for fashionaBle ornament arrangement .
Newfangled corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) types are bewitched by the idea that there is a tension between business and society .
The New York Times reported that it was a flashy affair , with hip-hop dancing and , of course , a laser light show .
One thing 's for sure : Wearing the special glasses -- no matter how stylish -- is still a wearisome part of seeing things in 3D .
The office is in the trendy district of Gangnam yes , that Gangnam which is already home to a growing cluster of mobile start-ups and a handful of technology incubators to mentor them .
Apple makes its software harder to steal by bundling it up with fancy hardware , but even it has to spend loads of time and money suing suspected infringers .
The office is in the trendy district of Gangnam - yes , that Gangnam - which is already home to a growing cluster of mobile start-ups and a handful of technology incubators to mentor them .
That 's because for many people , the newer gadgets do everything they had previously counted on PCs -- including laptops -- for : email , Web browsing , watching video .
But the most amazing element of city 's newfangled approach to architecture is that the large office was made using a massive printer measuring 20 feet high , 120 feet long and 40 feet wide .
And the trendy technique of behavior-driven development ( BDD ) required a strong DSL base to achieve its popularity .
Many members of Apple 's initial retail team came from Gap , which was viewed as a model because of its hip image and success with its branded stores ─ so many that people joked about working at'Gapple .
On his Tumblr account - The Gap Mannequin Project - he is seen trying out the latest fashions from peach-colored hoodies to plaid shirts and dark denims .
In fact , the cutting edge manager has already added " follower " to their job description by now , argues Barry Libert , author of social nation and CEO of open matters , a Boston , MA-based social media consulting firm .
What I mean is that Lisp was first discovered by John McCarthy in1958 , and popular programming languages are only now catching up with the ideas he developed then .
Diners and shoppers alike will soon have a hip place to stay : AnAce Hotel is scheduled to open nearby this month . - DANIELLE PERGAMENT
The industry has been slow to change in the face of technological advancements , aside from perhaps an e-mailed statement of charges or use of an iPad , and for good reason .
With Windows 7 , PC users will at last have a strong , modern successor to the sturdy and familiar , but aged , Windows XP , which is still the most popular version of Windows , despite having come out in 2001 .