
  1. 这是戴安娜·贝茨为您带来的财新播报。

    For Caixin Online , this is Diana Bates

  2. 华尔街股市最新播报,道·琼斯指数上升两个点到达13346;

    At last check on Wall Street , the Dow was up two points at 13346 ;

  3. 现在,世界各大主要城市的业内人士为大家带来美容界的最新播报。

    Here , industry insiders from major cities around the world report from the front lines of beauty today .

  4. 孟买的女性们是否又会从宝莱坞范儿转投裸色主义的怀抱?现在,世界各大主要城市的业内人士为大家带来美容界的最新播报。

    Will women from Mumbai turn their backs on Bollywood glamour in favour of the new nude ? Here , industry insiders from major cities around the world report from the front lines of beauty today .