
  • 网络xinhua;Xinhua County
  1. 新化县灰黄泥土壤中稻施肥效应初探

    Xinhua County Gray Wong effect of Soil Fertilization of Rice

  2. 湖南新化县文化旅游资源开发探索

    Exploration and Development of Cultural Tourism Resources of Xinhua County in Hunan Province

  3. 同时在湖南新化县开展了罗汉果引种栽培的生态适应性试验。

    The zoology adaptability test was taken in Xinhua Hunan as well .

  4. 新化县中药材农业气象指标及种植区划

    The Agro-meteorological Indicator and Planting Division of Chinese Herbal Medicines in Xinhua

  5. 湖南省新化县是我国最贫困的县之一。

    Xinhua county in Hunan province is one of the poorest counties in China .

  6. 湘中新化县丘陵区农业综合开发利用

    On the synthetic development and utilization of agriculture of the hilly area in Xinhua county , central Hunan

  7. 最后,结合新化县实际,提出加快新化县农村剩余劳动力转移的对策。

    Finally , combining with the actual situation in Xinhua county , some solutions to accelerate the transfer of rural surplus labors are proposed .

  8. 如何立足现实,寻找适合新化县农村剩余劳动力转移的途径,对有效解决新化县贫困问题具有重大的现实意义。

    To find proper solutions for transfer of rural surplus labors according to the reality , is quit important for the poverty problem in Xinhua county .

  9. 我多次被农业局评为先进工作者,2002年被评为新化县三农服务标兵。

    I am for many times been an advanced worker by select in the agriculture bureau , in2002 selected for turned a county three agriculture service parade guardses lately .

  10. 长期以来,新化县人多地少的矛盾十分突出,就业形势相当严峻,人民生活水平较低。

    For a long time , the sharp contradiction between population and land , along with the severe employment situation have resulted in a low living level in Xinhua county .

  11. 其次,从分析新化县的基本县情,劳动力的基本状况入手,指出新化县加快农村剩余劳动力转移的必要性;

    In the second section , necessity of accelerating the transfer of rural surplus labors in Xinhua county is pointed out , after analyzing basic natural condition and employment situation .

  12. 本文共分四部分,首先,对西方经济学家及国内学者关于农村剩余劳动力转移理论进行全面阐述,为研究新化县剩余劳动力的转移做理论铺垫和准备;

    The first is a comprehensive statement of theories on transfer of rural surplus labors from western economists and domestic researcher , which set a theoretical basis for the study on Xinhua county 's case .

  13. 我国典型溶蚀丘陵系统分布于湖南中西部雪峰山地区的新化-涟源县一带。

    The typical corrosional hill system is mainly distributed in Lianyuan_Xinhua County , around Xuefeng mountain area .