
xié tǐ
  • italic
斜体[xié tǐ]
  1. 本词典中的例句都是用斜体排印的。

    The example sentences in this dictionary are printed in italic type .

  2. 用斜体字。

    Use an italic font .

  3. 书名或剧名用斜体。

    Use italics for the names of books or plays .

  4. 本词典中的例子用斜体显示。

    Examples in this dictionary are in italics .

  5. 她用漂亮的斜体字写明了收信人姓名和地址。

    She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script .

  6. 在API语法中一些特定的参数用斜体表示。

    The special values within API syntax examples are shown in italics .

  7. 一般来说,可视化用户代理用斜体表示EM,用粗体表示STRONG。

    Generally , visual user agents present EM text in italics and STRONG text in bold font .

  8. 为了处理斜体字段落中的任何元素,应在转换它之前检查其parent

    To handle any elements that are inside an italicized phrase , check its parent before transforming it

  9. HTML定义了许多元素用来格式化输出,就像加粗或斜体文本。

    HTML defines a lot of elements for formatting output , like bold or italic text .

  10. 注意,对做实际工作的API的调用在清单中以斜体显示。

    Note that the call to the API where the actual work is done is set in italics .

  11. 可以处理xml文件来以不同的方式格式化此单词,比如将其设置为粗体或斜体。

    The XML file can be processed to format this word in some distinct way , such as with a bold or italic font .

  12. 这些按钮为粗体,斜体,图像,链接,目录以及更多的创建HTML标签。

    These buttons produce HTML tags for bold , italic , image , link , lists , and more .

  13. 选择的文本以粗体和斜体显示,而格式信息会出现在相同窗格的Formattingofselectedtext区域之中

    The selected text is bold and italicized and the formatting information appears in the Formatting of selected text field in the same pane

  14. Word应用程序提供了不同的文本格式化选项,例如字体名、字号、粗体、斜体,等等,您可以将其应用到文本。

    The Word application provides various formatting options , such as font name , font size , bold , italics , etc. that can be applied to text .

  15. 下面的例子使用了CITE元素将引文以斜体显示。

    This examples uses the CITE element to render a citation in italic .

  16. Description和Discussion字段支持“粗体”和“斜体”文本样式(在选定某些文本时查看Edit菜单)。

    The Summary , Description , and Discussion fields support " bold " and " italic " text styles ( see Edit menu while some text is selected ) .

  17. 科技期刊中外文字母i、e正斜体使用正误辨析

    An Analysis of the Use of Letter " I " and " e " in Foreign Language in Science and Technology Periodicals in the Form of Round Hand and Italics

  18. 它甚至还能解决简单的线性方程。不过,在使用时,用户需保证x是斜体的,否则PhotoMath不能区分出x和乘号。

    It can even do simple linear equations , provided the x you 're solving for is italicized so the app doesn 't confuse it with the x multiplication symbol .

  19. 该文档的作者没有使用样式,而是对所有内容都采用Normal样式,直接修改字体大小,然后应用粗体和斜体使某些段落看上去类似于标题。

    Rather than using styles , the author of this document kept everything in the Normal style , directly changed the font size , and applied bold and italics to make some paragraphs appear to be headings .

  20. StackOverflow所具有的特定改变(比如更严格的斜体/粗体)都可配置,所以你能够开关它们。

    The Stack Overflow specific changes ( such as stricter italics / bold ) are configurable , so you can toggle them on and off .

  21. 我希望你们不要忽略掉John,Ray,Jr,写的序言,我希望你们读一下那些斜体的序言。

    And I urge you not to neglect the foreword by John Ray Jr. , so I hope you read it , the little italicized foreword .

  22. 2.vt.划线于……下,强调在(写的东西)下画横线来表示印刷时用斜体字

    to underscore ( written matter ) with a single line to indicate italics

  23. 笔者在学习GB3100~3102-93以及翻阅相关文献的基础上,对i、e正斜体使用方面进行了详细的归纳,并对可能出现的错误进行了剖析。

    On the basis of learning GB3100 ~ 3102-93 and looking over literatures concerned , the author has concluded in detail the use of ' I and e ' in the form of round hand and italics , and analyzed its possible error .

  24. 这个applet显示了用户输入富文本(可设置文本为粗体、斜体、文本颜色等等)的区域。

    This applet displays a field where the user can enter rich text ( text that you can format as bold , italic , in colors , and so forth ) .

  25. 让他们满意的是,迪奥以为富人和有权势的人制作婚礼服装闻名,设计师约翰•加里亚诺(JohnGalliano)崇尚性感、斜体剪裁的服装。

    In their favour , Dior has a reputation for making wedding dresses for the rich and powerful , and designer John Galliano is czar of the sexy , bias-cut gown .

  26. 您还可以通过在这两个属性之间加一个空格来指定粗体加斜体的字体:BOLDITALIC(这种组合属性的技术对于SynthXML文件中的所有属性都适用)。

    You can also specify a bold italic font by putting a space between the two attributes : BOLD ITALIC . ( This technique for combining attributes holds true for all attributes in the Synth XML file . )

  27. 结合PDF文本实现机制,研究并实现了中英文地图注记及各种变形字体(斜体、耸肩体,空心字符)的输出。

    Combining with PDF text implementation mechanism , the paper made some research and realized exporting Chinese and English map lettering , and exporting various font variants , such as Italic fonts , Shrug fonts and contour characters . 5 .

  28. 在三极结构和四极结构中的栅极均分别采用LG-Philips公司提供的直体锥形孔和斜体锥形孔的HopSpacer。

    We use the vertical cone-shaped hole HOP spacer and the oblique cone-shaped hole HOP spacers , which are provided by LG-Philips Display Corporation , as the gate electrodes of triode and quadrode FED .

  29. 也不要使用斜体字,虽然粗体字通常是可以接受的,但最好使用清楚易读的字体。Preptel建议使用Arial、Tahoma、Calibri、Georgia、Impact、Courier、Lucinda或Palatino等字体。

    Likewise , don 't use italics , although boldface type is usually fine , and stick with clear , easy-to-read typefaces . Preptel recommends Arial , Tahoma , Calibri , Georgia , Impact , Courier , Lucinda or Palatino .

  30. 书的标题使用斜体还是引号?

    Do you use italics or quotes for a book title ?