
  1. 第二部分为文章四友之诗歌论。

    The second part is about Four Literary Friends poetry .

  2. 文章四友诗歌的宫廷情结与革故鼎新

    The Court Fed in gs and In novation of The Four Literary Friends ' Poetry

  3. 在当时特定的政治情势、文化背景下,文章四友以其在文坛上的优越地位,在近体诗的普及进程中发挥了很好的作用。

    Being in an advantageous position ," Four Literary Friends " played a positive role in the popularization of modern style poetry in that specific political climate and cultural background .

  4. 王绩、初唐四杰、文章四友和沈宋等人的诗歌在生命问题上尤其具有代表性,他们的成就也影响了后代众多诗人,成为不朽。

    Wang Ji , " Four Heroes ," " Four Friends " and " Shen Song " and others , particularly the issue of poetry in the life of a representative , their achievements have influenced generations of many poets , to become immortal .