
zhěnɡ liú zhào
  • fairing;cowling
  1. 然后基于CATIA的NURBS参数化方法,考虑起落架布局约束,对起落架整流罩进行了修形设计。

    Then considering the landing gear layout restraint , a NURBS parametric modeling method within CATIA is proposed and implemented to redesign the shape of landing gear fairing .

  2. 在运动学分析的基础上,采用拉格朗日方程分析方法,对整流罩模拟假弹头进行动力学分析,对于运用龙格-库塔法求解所得出的微分方程,编制专用的MATLAB程序实现这一求解过程。

    Based on the kinematical analysis , it applies the Lagrange equations to the dynamic analysis of fairing simulating fake warhead . The appropriative MATLAB programs which implement the solving process are made for the differential equations which the Runge-Kutta method is applied for solving it .

  3. 长征二号F火箭逃逸系统整流罩装配技术

    Assembly Technology of the Fairing of CZ-2F Escaping System

  4. VB6.0下利用PC机串口实现导弹整流罩壁厚的测量

    Measuring system of thickness parameter for radome of missile made up through pc 's serial communication port under VB6.0

  5. 红外硫化锌(ZnS)多晶体块材料具有优异的机械性能和光学性能,可以用来制作高速飞行器红外窗口,红外成象系统和多光谱精确制导系统的整流罩等。

    Infrared ZnS bulk polycrystals have been used as infrared optical windows and domes in infrared image formation and multi-spectrum accuracy guidance system .

  6. 离开飞机时,PIC主要到,双发的整流罩和两侧大翼下部以及发动机附近的襟翼上都糊满了发动机滑油。

    On disembarking , the PIC noted the cowls of both engines and the underside of both wings and flaps immediately behind the engines were covered in engine oil .

  7. CZ-2E整流罩垂直装配型架

    The Vertical Assembly Frame for the Fairing of CZ-2E Launch Vehicle

  8. 所采用的模式依赖Lyapunov方法减小了寻优性能中的保守性,并将部分理论研究成果应用到F-16飞机模型,F-18飞机模型和火箭整流罩模型容错设计仿真研究中。

    Mode-dependent Lyapunov method has been utilized to reduce conservatism of design , and parts of theory results have been ap-plied in F-16 and F-18 aircraft models and rocket fairing structural-acoustic model .

  9. 多晶氟化镁(MgF2)导弹整流罩内散射颗粒定量无损检测方法研究用表面波测裂缝的新测定技术及其在大坝监视中的应用

    Study on the Quantitative NDT Method for Scattering Particles in the Polycrystalline-Magnesium-Fluoride Dome for Missile INTRODUCTION TO A NEW SURFACE-WAVE BASED NDT METHOD FOR CRACK DETECTION AND ITS APPLICATION IN LARGE DAM MONITORING

  10. 在机身前部安置一台具有环形整流罩的戴姆勒-奔驰(Daimler-Benz)DB603型发动机,同时排气管配置在尾部后发动机位置的后面。

    In the forward fuselage a Daimler-Benz DB603 featured an annular-ring cowl , while exhaust stubs just aft of the trailing edge belied the position of the rear engine .

  11. 据此,采取了利用卫星整流罩空间,选择天线极化方向、设置隔离器和滤波器抑制电磁干扰等综合措施来提高FY1卫星天线间的隔离度。

    On this basis , the measures such as using of fairing space , selecting isolation direction and setting up isolator and filter to suppress electromagnetic interference were adopted to improve the isolation of FY-1 satellite .

  12. 事实上,中国有成熟的整流罩设计经验。

    In fact , China has mature experience in fairing design .

  13. 我国的一种返回式卫星发射时未设整流罩,星体直接受到气动加热。

    This paper discusses the problem of aerodynamics heat of non-fairinged satellite .

  14. 热压多晶氟化镁常用作整流罩材料。

    Poly-crystal MgF2 by hot-press is used material of dome .

  15. 我也刻一个副翼和鳍整流罩

    I 've also carved one aileron and the fin fairing

  16. 整流罩很难在发射前去掉。

    The strakes would be difficult to remove before launch .

  17. 复合材料卫星整流罩端头成型工艺研究

    Study on the Forming Process of Composite Fairing Nose of a Satellite

  18. 飞船整流罩纵向解锁机构设计与动力学

    Design and dynamics of the mechanical-drived lock used in the spaceship fairing

  19. 导弹整流罩模拟假弹头可行性动力学分析

    Dynamic analyses of feasibility of missile fairing simulating fake warhead

  20. 超音速状态下整流罩红外窗口的选型问题研究

    Determination of the Dome Infrared Window in the Supersonic Mode

  21. 氟化镁整流罩的高速抛光背部皮毛窦1例

    MgF_2 dome high-speed polishing Dorsal dermal sinus : one case

  22. 导弹抛整流罩过程建模与仿真

    The Modeling and Simulation of the Process of Casting Radoms of Rocket

  23. 我无法保持高度,他在我的整流罩上了。

    I can 't maintain . he 's all over my aerodynamics .

  24. 蓝宝石整流罩的研制现状与发展趋势

    Research Trends and Current Status in Producing Sapphire Domes

  25. 这里是我所做的为硕士形状的整流罩。

    Here is what I did for the master shape of the fairing .

  26. 导弹整流罩壁厚测量控制系统的研究

    Research on Control System of Thickness Parameter Measuring Instrument for Radome of Missile

  27. 大型柔性整流罩抛罩多体动力学仿真

    Multibody Dynamics Simulation of Large Scale Flexible Fairing Separation

  28. 卫星整流罩设计与三化

    Satellite Fairing Design and Systematization , Standardization and Combination

  29. 发动机吊架和整流罩无液压油渗漏和损伤。

    No damage and fluid fluid leakage from engine pylon and cowling doors .

  30. 根据标准施工手册和AMM&对左大翼-机身整流罩进行重新封严。

    Re-sealed the left wing-to-body in accordance with standard practices and AMM & .