
  • 网络DATA;Data Field;data area
  1. 一个Java组件实现,用于在业务对象中打印数据域。

    A Java component implementation , which prints the data field in the business object .

  2. 使用cut工具,我们可以将构成文件中数据域的各个列分隔开来。

    With the cut utility , you can separate columns that could constitute data fields in a file .

  3. 在InitiateMDS内,hub是封装数据域的一种机制。

    In Initiate MDS , hubs are the mechanism to encapsulate data domains .

  4. 约束数据域Delaunay四面体网格生成算法

    Algorithm of mesh generation of Delaunay tetrahedral in constrained domain

  5. 约束数据域Delaunay算法详述及进展

    Dilation and evolution of constrained data region delaunay algorithm

  6. 约束Delaunay三角化的研究与实现约束数据域的Delaunay三角剖分与修改算法

    Research and Algorithm of Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Delaunay Triangulation of Constrained Data Set

  7. 在从XML实例文档生成表单时,XMLFormsGenerator可以访问该XML实例文档所属的数据域的模型。

    When generating from an XML instance document , the XML Forms Generator has access to the models of the data domain to which the XML instance document belongs .

  8. 服务器使用的代理服务器的IP地址和端口,可以放置在数据域的注释中来发送给主服务器。

    The proxy server IP address and port which the server is using can be placed in the comment field of the data sent to the master server .

  9. 在WebSpherePortalV6信息中心的Transferringindividualdomains部分中提供了有关数据域和数据域管理的详细信息。

    More information on data domains and data domain administration is provided in the WebSphere Portal V6 Infocenter , Transferring individual domains section .

  10. SpringWebFlow引入了几种有状态数据域:request、flash、flow和conversation等,这让你能用新的方式来开发有状态Web应用。

    Spring Web Flow gives you new ways of developing stateful web applications by introducing various kinds of scopes for the stateful data ; request , flash , flow and conversation .

  11. 带地质逆断层约束数据域的Delaunay三角剖分算法研究

    Study of algorithm for Delaunay triangular irregular network of constrained data field with reverse fault

  12. 它们可以使用一致的隐喻/机制来操作不同数据域中的企业数据(Profile数据,Account数据,交叉引用,关系等)。

    They can use consistent metaphors / mechanisms to operate on enterprise data across different data domains ( profile data , account data , cross references , relationships , etc. ) .

  13. 基于MTI滤波器特性的改进直接数据域算法的研究

    Study on modified direct data domain STAP based on MTI filter characteristic

  14. 由此派生的模型分别通过过程、UML服务和ER模型满足过程、服务和数据域的需求。

    The derived models target the needs of the process , service , and data domains with process , UML service , and ER models respectively .

  15. 对所谓的松弛(RELAX)算法从数据域推广到相关域,将原算法的迭代减法等价为矩阵算子的递归迭代;

    A genemlintion of thc ( DD - ) RELAX from the data domain to the correlation domain , i.e the CD-RELAX , was provided .

  16. 并结合光学图像和SAR图像,在不同数据域的先验信息,分别构造各自的目标函数,实现图像分辨率增强。

    The examples for both optical and SAR images are presented , in which the object function are based on the sparse prior in different data domain respectively .

  17. STAP中直接数据域算法的一种改进

    An improved direct data domain algorithm in STAP

  18. 在典型的开发过程中,数据域专家将创建XML实例及其相应的模型,并将它们交付给更关注UI的表单开发人员。

    In a typical development process , a data domain expert would create the XML instances and their corresponding models and deliver them to a more UI-focused forms developer .

  19. 机载双通道SAR/GMTI数据域DPCA算法研究

    A Study on Raw Data Range DPCA Algorithms for GMTI by Airborne Bi-channel SAR

  20. 将RELAX(对系统误差和环境加性噪声分布假设可松弛)算法从数据域推广到相关域,建立了该算法在相关域的迭代公式;

    The paper deals with the extension of the RELAX algorithm from data domain to correlation domain and provides the iterative formulas of the algorithm in correlation domain .

  21. 顾及地形特征线的散点域(约束数据域)三角剖分是建立高精度数字地面模型的基础,在GIS、地学分析、计算几何、多分辨率DTM等领域中有着广泛的应用。

    The triangulation of constrained data set is widely used in Geographic Information System ( GIS ), geo-science , computational geometry , multi-resolution and high precision DTM , et al .

  22. 提出了两种原始数据域的双通道SAR-GMTI实现方法。

    The paper proposes two raw data based approaches for two aperture SAR-GMTI .

  23. 基于原始数据域的星载双通道SAR-GMTI研究

    Study on Raw Data-Based Two Aperture Spaceborne SAR-GMTI

  24. 在DB2forLUW管理的数据库中的表上定义的触发器,可以运用复杂的数据域规则获得来自用各种语言(从C到Ruby)编写的程序的插入内容。

    A trigger defined on a table in a DB2 for LUW-managed database could enforce complex data-domain rules for inserts from programs written in all kinds of languages , from C # to Ruby .

  25. 文中研究了数据域DPCA技术在机载双通道SAR地面动目标检测领域的应用,推导出点目标回波模型;

    In this paper , two kinds of raw data range DPCA algorithms-time range DPCA and Doppler range DPCA to use in bi-channel SAR / GMTI system are studied . The model of point target return is derived ;

  26. 并以CAN2.0A帧结构为基础,其帧报文格式由11位ID、1位RTR、4位DLC和数据域组成。

    Based pm CAN 2.0A frame structure , the frame message format consists of 11 bytes of ID , 1 bytes of RTR , 4 bytes of DLC and data domain .

  27. 本文通过对所使用的数据域方法之一的辅助通道HT变换法的数乘特性的推导,证明了该方法能够判别空中不相关干扰源的数目并给出计算机模拟结果。

    In this paper we have proved that as one of the Data Domain methods & Auxiliary Channel HT has the capability to identify the number of uncorrelated jamming by the way of bearing out its linear property , and provided the corresponding computer simulation result .

  28. 在自适应旁瓣对消中,针对传统的直接样本矩阵求逆(DMI)方法数值稳定性弱的缺点,产生了一系列数据域算法。

    In Adaptive Sidelobe Cancellation , in order to increase the numerical stability of the traditional Direct Sample Matrix Inverse ( DMI ) method , several other " Data Damain " algorithms including the Householder Transforms method were proposed .

  29. 在complexType定义中,确定对标签“扩展”的数据域引用使用了获取该类型的正确名字。

    In the complexType definition , make sure that the reference to the database domain in the tag " extension " uses the correct name of the type from which this type is derived .

  30. 使用共享数据域功能,操作人员可以提供具有完全自定义支持的连续可用(24x7)门户站点,同时保持操作流程的简单性。

    With the shared data domains feature , operators can provide continuously available ( 24x7 ) portal sites with full customisation support , while keeping operation procedures simple .