
  • 网络The Digital Revolution
  1. 随着数字化革命的兴起,软件FMEA方法被提出并逐渐应用于软件产品的设计与实现的过程中,有效地提高了安全关键软件的可靠性。

    With the development of digital revolution , software FMEA was proposed and used in the process of design and implementation for software product gradually , improving the reliability of the safety critical software effectively .

  2. 数字化革命仍然在影响着营销行业,只是变化不会发生在一夜之间罢了。

    The digital revolution is still coming to the marketing industry .

  3. 它取代了模拟图像放大器,以及放大器的摄像机光学系统、图像采集管或CCD摄像机和模数转换器,直接将X射线转换为高分辨率数字图像信号,实现了心血管介入设备的数字化革命。

    It changes the X-ray energy information into digital signal directly and drives the revolution of the digitalization of radiography equipment .

  4. DVI与HDMI:视频传输的数字化革命

    DVI & HDMI : Revolution of Digital Video Transmission

  5. 论图书数字化革命的本质含义

    The Essence of the Revolution of Book Digitalization

  6. 数字化革命对智能建筑的影响

    The Influence of Digital Revolution on Intelligent Building

  7. 21世纪放射学的数字化革命

    The Digital Revolution of Radiology in 21 Century

  8. 知识转化到智慧的道路同样被数字化革命颠覆了。

    The road from knowledge to wisdom has equally been subverted by the digital revolution .

  9. 数字化革命下的品牌虚拟代言人发展微探

    A Tentative Study of the Development of Brand Virtual Spokesman under the Background of Digital Revolution

  10. 数字化革命应为所有观众群开启广阔无垠的电视天地。

    The digital revolution was supposed to open up endless vistas of programming aimed at all segments .

  11. 同时也发现在医院进一步发展中有待提高对集约式发展、医疗安全、数字化革命和专业化管理的关注与投入。

    Some issues such as intensive development , medical safety and professional management were considered to be paid more attention .

  12. 它的出现、普及给中国影视艺术传播带来了数字化革命。

    The appearance and popularization of network media has propagated and brought the digitized revolution to Chinese movie & TV art .

  13. 随着数字信息技术的飞速发展,由传统的模拟电视到数字电视的数字化革命已成为必然。

    With the rapid development of information technology , the revolution has become inevitable from the traditional simulation television to the digital television .

  14. 比较新颖的是,数字化革命和社会媒介的发展大大增强了他们开展“社会化传染”的能力。

    What is new is that the data revolution and social media have hugely increased their ability to start " social epidemics " .

  15. 信息技术和数字化革命或许应当完成这一任务,使人们不再需要有形的工作场所。

    The revolution of information technology and digitisation ought , perhaps , to have completed the job , removing the need for a physical workplace .

  16. 知识的符号形式之载体历经变迁,当代数字化革命意味着知识以电子资讯的形式存在。

    The expression of knowledge in the form of marks has experienced many changes , and the modern digital revolution means that knowledge will exist in the form of electronic information .

  17. 数字化革命对图书馆产生了巨大的冲击,图书馆需要在管理体制、服务方式、资源建设等方面进行比较大的战略性调整。

    Considerable strategical adjustment should be made in the management system , service mode , resource development of libraries due to the great impacts brought about by digital revolution on them .

  18. 数字化革命使物质型经济向信息型经济转变,也使文化创意和形象战略日益凸显,新异性与新奇性成为重要的美学标准和追求。

    The Revolution of Digitization not only promotes the matter economy to the changes of information economy , but also makes cultural originality and imaginal strategy clear so as to become aesthetic standard and pursuit .

  19. 而当前在整个电子信息技术领域进行的数字化革命为智能建筑的设计引入了新的课题,并可能会影响和改变某些传统的智能建筑设计观念。

    The current digital revolution on field of entire electronic and informational technology introduces a new subject in the design of intelligent building , also affects and changes some traditional design idea of intelligent building .

  20. 20世纪90年代末期以国际互联网的成熟为标志,全球性的互联网把计算机技术革命、通讯技术革命和数字化革命的成果联系和汇集起来,使信息的全球性传递和即时共享成为可能。

    Internet connects revolution of computer technology , communication technology and digital technology , when Internet is maturing in the late of 1990 ' s. It makes the global transmission and share immediately to become possibility .

  21. 但我能诚实地说,在和我的诸多对话中,大部分时候他谈话的基调是对苹果以及整个数字化革命的乐观与深信不疑。

    But I can honestly say that , in my many conversations with him , the dominant tone he struck was optimism and certainty , both for Apple and for the digital revolution as a whole .

  22. 电子信息技术领域的数字化革命,极大地改变了人类的生活方式和工作方式,使得通信、计算机和大众传播这三大信息业务重叠、产业重组,产品推陈出新。

    The digital revolution in the region of IT have changed the people 's manner of life and work , and made the communication , computer and the public communication - the three major information operation overlapped .

  23. 在音乐行业的数字化革命开始之前,这一直都是惯例做法,并为几十位艺术家创造了首周白金销量,而如果放在现在,这些歌手若是能在整个专辑上市期间售出之前三分之一的销量就已经算是幸运了。

    Before the digital revolution in music , that was the status quo , and it led to platinum opening weeks for scores of artists who 'd now be lucky to sell a third of that over the life of an entire album .

  24. 我想说,我们需要纠正,并最终在无论是数据化还是纸质的信息与知识间平衡。知识转化到智慧的道路同样被数字化革命颠覆了。

    I have to say this correction was needed and will eventually balance out the weight of both information and knowledge , which tend to be embodied in digital and print respectively.The road from knowledge to wisdom has equally been subverted by the digital revolution .

  25. 医学数字化信息革命改变着传统的医学学习、工作、管理模式。

    The revolution in information processing , particularly the digitizing of medicine , has changed the medical study , work and management .

  26. 数字化的革命以及因特网的发展,带来了经济、贸易、信息传播的全球化,深刻影响着社会的各个层面。

    The digital revolution and the development of the internet have caused the globalization of economy trade and the spread of information . They also have made great impact on every aspect of the society .

  27. 数字化技术革命在为数字信息处理、复制、转发以及销售提供便利的同时,也为非法复制和非法篡改提供了可能,所以,数字多媒体产品的知识产权保护己成为亟待解决的一个难题。

    While the revolution of digital technology facilitates the information processing , copying , retransmission and sale , it also make it possible for the illegal copying and illegal juggle . Therefore , the Intellectual property protection of digital multimedia products has become an urgent problem to solve .

  28. 知识实践产生的直接前提是现代数字化信息技术革命。

    The prerequisite of practice is the digitized information revolution .

  29. 19世纪以来的近代土壤学的发展,主要受到化学和地学的影响,而物理学和数学到本世纪中叶才开始进入,但却引发了当今土壤学的数字化和信息化革命。

    The development of soil science was influenced mainly by chemistry and geoscience since the 19th century .

  30. 席卷全球的数字化信息技术革命的浪潮和电子商务的蓬勃发展,极大地影响和推动了通信技术的发展,加速了电信行业的变革与转型步伐。

    The worldwide revolution of digitalized-information-technology and the rapid development of E-commerce has given lots of influence to the telecommunication technology , and pushed it forward greatly .