
dūn huáng xué
  • Dunhuang Studies;Studies of Dunhuang Caves
敦煌学[dūn huáng xué]
  1. 该文介绍了以敦煌学Web数字博物馆为样本的主题数字博物馆的组织模式和系统构架,通过分析主题数字博物馆所遇到的主要问题,提出了相应的解决方案。

    This paper discusses the architecture and organization pattern of the focused digital library which uses the Dunhuang Studies Web Digital Library as a basis .

  2. 一大批被统称为“敦煌学”的学术研究在之后几十年陆续涌现。这个地区也被联合国列入世界遗产名录。

    An entire school of scholarship called " Dunhuang Studies " has sprung up in the decades since , and the area has been designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations .

  3. 敦煌学WEB数字博物馆的研究

    The Research of Dunhuang Studies Web Digital Museum

  4. 敦煌学百年:历史、现状与发展趋势

    The Study of Dunhuang : Past , Present and Future

  5. 2001年敦煌学研究论著目录索引。

    A catalogue index of books and papers of Dunhuang Studies in2001 .

  6. 当今,敦煌学的研究正朝更加深入和广阔的领域发展。

    Nowadays , the study of Dunhuang is moving towards in-depth and broader investigation .

  7. 请你谈谈敦煌学的研究领域和研究机构吧。

    Could you tell me something about the research areas and the research institutions .

  8. 敦煌学数字图书馆遗书元数据标准的设计与结构

    Design and Realization of Dunhuang Literature Metadata Standard

  9. 这样利于真正将研究纳入敦煌学领域,并更为确切的认识和把握其文学性质及其意义。

    By this , it will not only bring the study into the domain of Dunhuang studies , but also grasp it literary nature and historic importance .

  10. 而人类的知识体系中,却有了一门博大宏富的国际显学&敦煌学。

    As a result , a new branch of extensive and profound international learning has taken shape in the intellectual system of mankind . That is the Study of Dunhuang .

  11. 一大批被统称为敦煌学的学术研究在之后几十年陆续涌现。这个地区也被联合国列入世界遗产名录。

    An entire school of scholarship called Dunhuang Studies has sprung up in the decades since , and the area has been designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations .

  12. 但是,由于罗氏政治上之污点,目前,罗氏学术研究相对薄弱,仅局限于甲骨学、敦煌学及金石学等若干方面,对于古器物学的研究极少涉及。

    However , because of the political stain Roche , at present the academic research of Luo Zhenyu is relatively weak . It only limits to the study of the Oracle , the Dunhuang , Gold-Stone and so on .

  13. 达到用敦煌学资料充实唐史,同时也能更充分的用唐史知识认识敦煌资料之目的,为唐史研究拓展思路、扩大视野。

    Achieves enriches the Tang history with the Dunhuang studies material , simultaneously can also fuller with the Tang history knowledge know that goal of the Dunhuang material , studies the development mentality , the expanded field of vision for Tang Shi .

  14. 古代避讳具有明显的时代性特点,并且学者在刻本断代中积累了丰富的经验,因此,在敦煌学发轫之初就被作为重要的断代方法来使用。

    Because the ancient taboo had obvious time traits , and accumulated abundant experience in the division of dynasty by the block-printed edition , scholars used it as an important way of division of dynasty at the beginning of the Dunhuang studies .

  15. 自1909年前贤开始研究敦煌文献以来,敦煌学已走过近百年的学术历程。

    Scholars have begun to study Dunhuang literature since 1909 , and to this day , it was about one hundred years .

  16. 对敦煌石窟的研究又叫敦煌学。

    The study of Dunhuang Grottoes are known as dunhuangology .

  17. 敦煌文献是人类重要的历史文化遗产,也是国际敦煌学研究的主要学术资源。

    Dunhuang Documents are important historical and cultural heritage , also the main academic resources of international Dunhuang Studies .

  18. 敦煌遗书中行草书法的研究,对中国书法史和敦煌学的研究都具有重大的、积极的意义。

    The study of free and grass script in Dunhuang posthumous writing is of great importance to the history of Dunhuang calligraphy and the study of Dunhuang .

  19. 敦煌壁画中的人物、服饰、建筑、动物等对像是敦煌学研究、敦煌相关艺术创作及数字化的重要素材。

    The objects of figure , raiment , architecture and animals in Dunhuang Frescos are very important for the research of Dunhuang studies , art creation as well as digital display .

  20. 选择敦煌,是因为它是中国代表性壁画系统的重镇,也是引起世界关注的敦煌学诞生地。

    Chooses Dunhuang , because it is the Chinese representative mural system important town , Also is arouses the world interest the " Dunhuang studies " birthplace .

  21. 敦煌莫高窟是我国31个世界文化遗产地之一(截至2008年7月),是敦煌学研究的主要载体,是我国西北地区旅游的重要一站。

    Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang , one of the thirty-one World Cultural Heritages of our country , is the main carrier of the Study of Dunhuang and also a famous tourist attraction in the North-West .