
jiào yù hái zi
  • educate a child
  1. 由于他们深信州政府和州立学校最懂得如何教育孩子,他们面临着毁掉孩子在家庭氛围中学习的最佳时机的危险。

    In trusting that the state and the state 's schools know the best way to educate a child , they are in danger of destroying their children 's best opportunity to learn in the home environment .

  2. 过去人们不会教育孩子提防陌生人。

    People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers

  3. 她一直在自己教育孩子。

    She 's been schooling her kids herself .

  4. 国家的长远未来取决于我们如何教育孩子。

    The long-term future of the country rests on how we teach our children .

  5. 教育孩子要得法。

    Children should be educated in a correct [ proper ] way .

  6. 皮尤在全国范围内展开调查,从其1807个父母样本中得出结论:课外活动能集中体现教育孩子方面的差异。

    Extracurricular activities reflect the differences in child rearing in the Pew survey , which was of a nationally representative sample of 1,807 parents .

  7. 现在很少有人教育孩子们同理心的价值。

    Few people today educate the children about the value of empathy ( ; ) .

  8. 我们应该自我警醒,也应该教育孩子们感受美和表达感激之情。

    We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty of feelings and expressions of gratitude .

  9. 从事宠物食品行业的Ng认为,养鸡是教育孩子宠物营养和生态系统的好方式。

    Ng , who works in the pet food industry , saw chicken keeping as a good way to educate his children about pet nutrition and ecosystems .

  10. 必须教育孩子要当心车辆。

    Children must be taught to be careful of traffic .

  11. 男孩的母亲听说镇上有一位牧师,在教育孩子方面很在行,于是便问他是否可以跟他的儿子们谈一谈。

    The boys ' mother heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining children , so she asked if he would speak with her boys .

  12. 在英国,孩子们在很小的时候就被教导说,只要有机会就应该说“谢谢”。家长们用家喻户晓的“那个神奇的词是什么?”这句话教育孩子要记得说“谢谢”。

    Here in England , children are taught from a young age that they should say " thank you " whenever possible , with " what 's the magic word ? " being a familiar phrase with parents across the nation .

  13. Curriki的合作伙伴包括芝麻工作室,该工作室制作录像和教案用以教育孩子们关于文化间的差异。

    Curriki 's partners include Sesame Workshop , which has created videos and lesson plans to teach children about cultural differences .

  14. 在教育孩子方面,对孩子良好行为进行奖赏是可行的。

    Rewards for appropriate behaviour can be successful in teaching children .

  15. 我们从同一个车站开始旅行,同时教育孩子。

    We travel from the same station * Both teach children .

  16. 这位专家一生都致力于教育孩子。

    This expert devoted all his life to educating the children .

  17. 他们习惯用负面的语言来教育孩子。

    They are used to educating children with negative language .

  18. 教育孩子们对父母师长要尊敬。

    Children are taught to treat their parents and teachers with deference ?

  19. 关于如何教育孩子,我们的观点一致。

    We have the same opinion on how to educate our children .

  20. 我认为教育孩子是很重要的。

    I think it 's very important to teach children .

  21. 应该教育孩子在大人面前的举止。

    Children should be taught how to behave towards adults .

  22. 父母们委托老师教育孩子。

    Parents entrust teachers with the education of their children .

  23. 现在教育孩子真是令人头疼的事。

    Nowadays the children 's education is really a headache .

  24. 那些在家教育孩子的家长对家庭教育充满热情。

    Those who teach at home are passionate about it .

  25. 他教育孩子的方式非常有效。

    The way he educates his child is very effective .

  26. 他不愿接受教育孩子们的那种观点。

    He rebelled at the idea of teaching young children .

  27. 应教育孩子懂礼貌。

    Children should be brought up to have good manners .

  28. 我们应该教育孩子们讲文明、懂礼貌。

    We should teach the children to be polite and well mannered .

  29. 你必须教育孩子懂得交通安全。

    You must teach the children about road safety .

  30. 教育孩子运动精神的重要性有助于培养他们的良好性格。

    Teaching children the importance of good sportsmanship can help develop good character .