
  1. 教育复杂性研究应注意的问题

    How Can Complexity Adapt to the Study of Education

  2. 教育复杂性研究应是以复杂性思想为指导,运用复杂性科学的原理和方法进行的教育研究。

    The education complexity research should be take the complex thought as the instruction , conducts the education research using the complex science principle and the method .

  3. 个人决策的局限性与教育的复杂性决定了教师在学校决策中不可忽略的地位。

    The limitation of individual decision-making and the complication of education leads to teachers ' significant role in school decision-making .

  4. 本文引入复杂性科学的相关理论,针对大学生思想政治教育的复杂性特征,提出当前拓展大学生思想政治教育途径的新视角和新思路。

    This paper introduces related theories in complex science theory to expand new ways in moral education of university students from a new perspective .

  5. 由于排名计算总分,高等教育的复杂性被减少到了一个数字分数,而差别被夸大了。

    By aggregating the score across the various indicators , rankings reduce the complexity of higher education to a single digit score , and exaggerate differences .

  6. 其次,后现代课程观不是完美无缺的,教育的复杂性也决定了单纯的后现代课程观有其先天的不足。

    On the other hand , Post-modern perspective on curriculum is not perfect ; the complexity of education also determines its own inherent deficiencies of post-modern perspective on curriculum .

  7. 教师专业能力是随着教师职业专业化的国际潮流的出现、对教育活动复杂性的认识发展及对教育价值功能的重估而产生的一个专门性术语。

    Teacher 's specialty ability is a special term which comes into existence along with the globalization of teacher 's professionalization , the development of understanding educational complexity and the re-evaluation of educational function .

  8. 摘要美国的思想政治教育具有复杂性、特殊性,其“无名”,但“有实”,起到了凝聚人心、巩固政权、化解矛盾、稳定社会的重要政治功能。

    The ideological and political education in America betrays complexity and peculiarity , without any name , it has the important political functions of helping to reach a consensus , consolidating the regime , resolving conflicts , and stablizing the society .

  9. 教育系统复杂性要求我们用复杂范式来进行教育研究,文章考察了教育研究复杂范式的诸多特点,提出质的研究方法的兴起体现了教育研究范式走向复杂的趋势。

    The complexity of the education system requires us to use Complexity Paradigm for educational research , so this article inspected many characteristics of Complexity Paradigm for educational research . The rise of " qualitative research methods " represents the trend towards complexity in the paradigm for educational research .

  10. 论我国基础教育变革的复杂性和转型性

    On the Complexity and Transformation of China 's Basic Education Reform

  11. 高校道德教育必须把握复杂性思维方法。

    College moral education must grasp the complexity thinking methods .

  12. 高等教育效益的复杂性,决定了人们需要选择不同的教育效果。

    The complexity of higher education benefits decides that people need to choose different effects of education .

  13. 教学有法,但法无定法。这句话说明了教育现象的复杂性和灵活性。

    " There are methods in teaching and the methods are different ", which indicates the complexity and flexibility of education .

  14. 教育经验的复杂性、丰富性与多样性决定了任何一种预先设定的理论框架都会陷入叙述紧张。

    Any theoretical framework will fall into the narrative intention because of the complexity , abundance and diversity of educational experience .

  15. 重构思潮又使人们对教育变革的复杂性有了新认识,发现如果依然保持过去那种各自独立的运作模式是难以解决诸多问题的。

    The re-construction thoughts made people have a new understanding of the complexity of education reform , and found that using the old independent operation mode is difficult to solve many problems .

  16. 幼儿园教师劳动对象特有的生理心理特点,决定了幼儿教育工作的复杂性和特殊性,也决定了幼儿园教师的专业特性。

    The special psychological feature of the teachers ' working object causes and determines the specialty and complexity of the early childhood education and also this feature requires the professional characteristics of the teachers .

  17. 教育系统的复杂性表现在教育过程的不可逆性与非连续性,教育系统中的不确定性与偶然性,教育活动的不可还原性以及教育系统的自组织功能等方面。

    The complexity of the education system was represented by the following aspects : the education process is not reversible and continuous , the uncertainty and contingency within education system can not be removed , education activities can not be reverted and education system possesses self-organization functions .

  18. 教育研究本身的复杂性,要求我们以一种复杂的思维方式来进行。

    The complexity of educational research requires us to conduct researches in a complicated way of thinking .

  19. 教育是一种复杂性社会实践活动,教育的未来发展存在多种可能性,这种发展的多可能性便构成教育可选择的客观前提。

    As education is a complex social activity , there exist a variety of possibilities in the development of future education , which serve as an objective prerequisite for education choice . However , education under mechanic determinism is a technical action that can be completely manipulated .

  20. 教育系统及教育评价的复杂性研究

    Research of Complexity of the Education System and Education Evaluation

  21. 第三部分,首先探讨了教育实践中教育价值追求的复杂性。

    The third part , firstly talks about the complexity of educational value in the educational practice .

  22. 有限理性视野中的教育规划应当注意:正视教育系统的复杂性;

    Educational planning in the perspective of bounded rationality should consider the following principles : envisaging the complexity of educational system ;

  23. 教育本体论研究的转向与教育本体的复杂性&复杂性思维方式视野中的教育本体论研究

    Transition of Educational Ontology and Complexity of Educational Entity & Educational Ontology Study in the Context of Complex Thinking Pattern

  24. 制约教育学学科独立性的因素分析&兼论教育复杂性对教育学研究范式的影响

    Several Elements Restricting on the Possibility of Education 's Independence & On the Influence of Educational Complicacy upon the Research Pattern of Pedagogy

  25. 随着教育改革的不断发展,人们对教育教学活动复杂性的认识也不断深入,研究性学习已成为教育领域关注的热点。

    With the development of society and the furtherance of people 's rational recognition of education and teaching activities , project-learning mode has become a focus in education study .

  26. 教育是一门复杂的人文社会科学,教育现象的复杂性和独特性决定了教育研究方法的多样性和特殊性。

    Education is a complicated human and social science . The complexity and particularity of educational phenomena determine the variety and particularity of research method in educational science .

  27. 本部分旨在尝试用生态学话语体系来表述或刻画高校思想政治教育主体衔接机理,有效地描述与探索高校思想政治教育主体衔接的复杂性现象及其内在关系。

    The purpose of this part is to try to describe or characterize the convergence mechanism of the ideological and political education subject to describe the subject convergence complex phenomenon and its inherent relationship from the perspective of the ecology discourse system .

  28. 然后论述了不同于传统道德教育的师生间的关系,并进一步指出了回归生活世界的道德教育的复杂性。

    The relationship between teachers and students of moral education in life world is different from the traditional moral education .

  29. 教育系统在简单范式的主导下日益成熟、严密、制度化,制度化教育忽视了教育系统内在的复杂性,变得日益封闭、划一和机械,难以适应现代社会的需要。

    Dominated by the Simplicity Paradigm , education system has become increasingly mature , tight and institutionalized . Institutionalized education ignored the inherent complexity of education system , and it became increasingly close , uniform and mechanical , thus it was difficult to adapt to the needs of modern society .

  30. 当前中学性教育存在的主要问题是错误的性教育观、教育主体相互推诿教育职责、性教育过程中目的与方法不能相统一等。因此,当前中学性教育具有紧迫性和教育条件的复杂性。

    The problems in sex education in middle schools are : the wrong views of sex education , the educators ' buck-passing their educational responsibility on each other , the disagreement of the principles and methods of sex education .