
shōu gē
  • harvest;reap;gather in;get in
收割 [shōu gē]
  • [harvest;reap;gather in] 泛指收获[农作物]

  • 甜菜一收割下来,汽铲便将他们装上一辆辆卡车

收割[shōu gē]
  1. 收割谷物就是把它割下来收放好。

    To reap grain is to cut it for gathering in .

  2. 请她用皮制的镰刀收割。

    Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather .

  3. 已是八月下旬,庄稼都妥善收割完毕。

    It was late August and the harvest had been safely gathered in .

  4. 这里种植水稻的农场主仍是人工种植和收割庄稼。

    Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand

  5. 贮存去年收割的粮食的谷仓几乎空了。

    The granaries containing last year 's harvest are nearly empty .

  6. 很多农民正拒绝收割甘蔗。

    Many farmers are refusing to harvest the cane .

  7. 我7月份开始收割豆类作物。

    I started cropping my beans in July .

  8. 为了清理那片地和收割香蕉,他们决定雇请男劳力。

    To clear the land and harvest the bananas they decided they needed a male workforce

  9. 我们直到圣诞节时才收割庄稼,因为雪下得实在太多了。

    We didn 't get the harvest in until Christmas , there was so much snow .

  10. 玉米的播种、收割、脱粒方法还和一百年前一样。

    The corn was still sown , cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago .

  11. 一大片金黄的稻子等着收割。

    A vast golden stretch of rice was waiting to be cut .

  12. “府上的葡萄收割完了吗?”

    " is the vintage over ? are all your grapes in ?"

  13. 庄稼熟了,农民正在收割。

    The farmers are getting the crops in now that they are ripe .

  14. 麦子熟了的时候,我们会去那里帮助收割。

    When wheat is ripe , we would go there to help cutting in .

  15. 收割后,农民就开始整地以便播种。

    After the harvest , the peasants began to prepare the soil for seed .

  16. 谷物很快就可以收割了。

    The corn is nearly ready for harvesting .

  17. 你要计算七七日,从你开镰收割禾稼时算起,共计七七日。

    Let seven weeks be numbered from the first day when the grain is cut .

  18. 小伙子们正在收割庄稼。

    The man was mowing field .

  19. 农民已经收割完毕,正在地里烧残茬。

    Now that they have gathered in the crops , the farmers are burning off the stubble in the fields .

  20. 在播种以及收割季节,可以看到长胡子男人牵着马在田间劳作,而妇女将衣物整齐地晾晒在晾衣绳上。

    In planting and harvest times one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses and their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry .

  21. 它在几周就可长成,一年四季均可收割。

    Within a few weeks of full growth , the plant is done for the year .

  22. 镰刀和收割钩被用来收庄稼

    Sickles and reaping hooks were used for cutting the crops .

  23. 由于缺少镰刀,他们在徒手收割庄稼

    Being short of sickles , they are reaping by hand .

  24. 农作物必须及早收割。

    The harvest must be reaped in good time .

  25. 农民们收割了水稻。

    The peasants reaped their rice .

  26. 我独自在横跨过田地的路上走着,夕阳像一个守财奴似的,正藏起它的后的金子。白昼更加深沉地投入黑暗之中,那已经收割了的孤寂的田地,默默地躺在那里。

    I PACED alone on the road across the field while the sunset was hiding its last gold like a miser1 . The daylight sank deeper and deeper into the darkness , and the widowed land , whose harvest had been reaped , lay silent .

  27. 利用GIS校正自动计产数据中的收割面积误差

    Using GIS to Correct Harvest Area of Yield Data Collected by Yield Monitoring System

  28. 联合收割机收割台CAD系统研制

    Research on CAD of combine header

  29. peasant例句:农民们正在田野里收割稻子。

    The peasants are harvesting rice in the field .

  30. 收割单位质量的茭草比收割单位质量的水芹能去除富营养化水体中更多的P元素。

    Unit mass of the wild rice harvest harvest units than the quality of the grass can get rid of eutrophic water cress more P elements . 3 .