
  • 网络crash;clash;Impact noise;clatter
  1. 过了一会儿,我听到一声可怕的撞击声。

    Moments later , I heard a terrible crash .

  2. 这支曲子以铙钹的撞击声结束。

    The piece ends with a cymbal crash .

  3. 卧室门上发出一声沉重的撞击声。

    There was a heavy thudding noise against the bedroom door .

  4. 波涛拍打着海堤发出巨大的撞击声。

    The waves washed over the sea embankment with a loud crashing noise .

  5. 几天来一切都很好,直到一天下午,一扇窗户上传来奇怪的撞击声。

    Everything was fine for a few days until one afternoon there was a strange bumping noise on a window .

  6. 基里巴斯民间音乐总体上基于伴随身体撞击声得着歌颂或其他形式的vocalizing。

    Kiribati folk music is generally based around chanting or other forms of vocalizing , accompanied by body percussion .

  7. 西氏曾在西班牙马略卡岛的一株油橄榄树下开始构思《周六晚和周日晨》,亦在地中海地区生活了多年,即便如此,他依然需要诺丁汉,需要Raleigh车厂里面洪亮的金属撞击声。

    Though he had started " Saturday Night and Sunday Morning " under an olive tree in Majorca , and lived many years in the Mediterranean sun , he needed Nottingham , and the pounding roar of the Raleigh factory .

  8. 地板轻量撞击声隔声特性的研究

    Study on Characteristics of Light Impact Sound Insulation for the Floors

  9. 此时,一个巨大鱼鳍的撞击声使他清醒了过来。

    Then , the thump of a huge fin stirs him .

  10. 他摔在地板上发出一声可怕的撞击声。

    He fell on the floor with an awful whomp .

  11. 那辆汽车撞在树上发出让人难受的撞击声。

    The car hit the tree with a sickening crash .

  12. 今年4月,太空站人员也报告听到类似的金属撞击声。

    This past April the ISS crew reported hearing a similar clang .

  13. 复合地板撞击声隔声性能的预测

    A Forecast of Impact Sound Insulating Property of Composite Floors

  14. 他扔掉工具时有铿锵的撞击声。

    There was a clang as he dropped the tools .

  15. 隔壁房里传来轰然撞击声。

    Loud crashing noises thundered from the next room .

  16. 他被撞击声所惊醒,一跃而起。

    He is waken up by a sound , and has been leaped .

  17. 货车车顶发出很响的撞击声。

    Loud bangs were heard on the van roof .

  18. 我的最初感觉就是喧哗声和撞击声。

    My first impressions were of nosie and banging .

  19. 当它们彼此转圈游来游去时,它们发出一种柔和的撞击声。

    When they circled one another , they made a softer thud sound .

  20. 黛利拉:还有那撞击声是怎么回事?

    Delilah : And what was that thumping noise ?

  21. 楼板覆面层隔绝撞击声的评价

    Rating of Impact Sound Insulation of Floor Coverings

  22. 他说,我非常紧张,随后产生了巨大的撞击声。

    I was very nervous . And then there was a large banging sound .

  23. 烧饭声和碗碟的撞击声从厨房传来。

    The sounds of cooking and the clatter of dishes came from the kitchen .

  24. 垃圾桶在人们倒垃圾时发出撞击声。

    The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish .

  25. 然后他听到屋子后面传来一声很响的撞击声。

    Then I heard a loud crashing sound from the back of the house .

  26. 随着一声奇怪而沉闷的撞击声,哈利落到了一个柔软的东西上面。

    With a funny , muffled sort of thump he landed on something soft .

  27. 巨人随着巨大的撞击声摔了下来。巨人摔死了!

    He chopped down the beanstalk and the giant came crashing down with a tremendous thud .

  28. 当滚滚波涛涌向岸边的时候,我还能感觉到卵石咔嗒咔嗒的撞击声。

    I felt the pebbles rattling as the waves threw their ponderous weight against the shore ;

  29. 她听见茶匙轻微的叮??声,杯盘悦耳的撞击声。

    She heard of the gentle tinkling of teaspoons , and musical clatter of cups and saucers .

  30. 轻量涂布设备及工艺地板重量撞击声隔声特性的研究

    Equipment and technology of light weight coating Study on Characteristics of Heavy Impact Sound Insulation for the Floors