
zhuàng jī
  • impact;strike;hit;crash;bump;knock;ram;dash against;bonk;gutser
撞击 [zhuàng jī]
  • [ram;dash against;strike] 运动物体与别物体猛然碰上

  • 刀剑的撞击

撞击[zhuàng jī]
  1. 汽车若遇到正面猛烈撞击,安全气囊可以保护驾车者。

    Airbags protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact .

  2. 炸弹受到撞击就爆炸。

    The bomb explodes on impact .

  3. 海浪撞击着港湾的坝堤。

    The waves were dashing against the harbour wall .

  4. 过了一会儿,我听到一声可怕的撞击声。

    Moments later , I heard a terrible crash .

  5. 卧室门上发出一声沉重的撞击声。

    There was a heavy thudding noise against the bedroom door .

  6. 当时一片寂静,只听见一只苍蝇不停地撞击着玻璃。

    There was dead silence but for a fly beating against the glass

  7. 水流撞击岩石,产生大量泡沫。

    The water curved round the rocks in great bursts of foam .

  8. 飞机的两个机翼遭受撞击折断了。

    The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact

  9. 当巨大物体撞击地球时,就会产生凹坑。

    When a large object impacts the Earth , it makes a crater .

  10. 汽车受撞击起火,一些人被烧死。

    The cars caught fire on impact and some of the victims were incinerated .

  11. 接着发生了剧烈的撞击。

    The next moment there was an almighty crash

  12. 飞机猛烈撞击地面,致使一个引擎陷到了地下16英尺处。

    The plane hit so hard that one engine was buried 16 feet underground .

  13. 他的脑袋受过撞击,从那以后,他的反应变得有些迟钝。

    He got hit on the head and he 's been a bit slow since .

  14. 轮船撞击到沙坝上。

    The ship hit a sandbank .

  15. 飞机遭到毁坏,完全成了一堆残骸:飞行员肯定死于撞击。

    The plane is destroyed , a complete wreck : the pilot must have died on impact

  16. 冥王星似乎受到过严重撞击,倾斜了122度。

    Pluto seems to have suffered a major collision that tipped it 122 degrees from the vertical .

  17. 跑道应该能够吸收奔跑者踩踏地面时产生的撞击力。

    A running track should be capable of absorbing the impact of a runner 's foot landing on it .

  18. 还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。

    There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver 's head in the worst impacts

  19. 波浪撞击着岩石。

    The breakers dashed on the rocks .

  20. 障碍物消减了主要的撞击力。

    The barrier absorbed the main impact on the crash .

  21. 波涛拍打着海堤发出巨大的撞击声。

    The waves washed over the sea embankment with a loud crashing noise .

  22. 这个网球拍能减轻撞击所产生的剧烈震动。

    This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact .

  23. 老船公扭转了我们航船的方向,我们才避免了一次撞击礁石的危险。

    The old helmsman brought us about and we avoided a dangerous dash against the rocks .

  24. 美国航空公司发言人说,飞机降落装置的某些部分损毁,右侧的一个发动机在撞击下从机翼上脱落。

    A spokesman for American Airlines says part of the plane 's landing gear collapsed , and one engine on the right side fell off the wing from the impact .

  25. 为了获得新生,老鹰会用喙撞击岩石,直到把喙拔出来。

    For a new life , the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it pulls its beak out .

  26. 几天来一切都很好,直到一天下午,一扇窗户上传来奇怪的撞击声。

    Everything was fine for a few days until one afternoon there was a strange bumping noise on a window .

  27. 天文学家还没有目击过小行星撞击其它行星。

    Astronomers have yet to witness an asteroid impact with another planet .

  28. 当巨浪向船舷撞击时,船暂时地偏离了航道。

    The ship yawed as the heavy wave struck abeam .

  29. 这个行星的表面布满了小块陨石留下的撞击坑

    Small meteorites have left impact craters all over the planet 's surface .

  30. 正常时,能够感觉到心脏的运动是性质截然不同的收缩和舒张的撞击

    Normally the heart movements can be felt as distinct systolic and diastolic thumps .