
  • 网络ctrip;CTRP;CTRP-US
  1. 1999年12月,沈南鹏与梁建章(JamesLiang)及另外两人一起创办了携程网——沈梁两人15岁相识,当时他们均被老师推荐参加在上海举办的首届计算机编程竞赛。

    In December 1999 , together with James Liang , whom he had known since they were both 15 and had been nominated by teachers to take part in the first Shanghai computer programming competition , and two others , he founded Ctrip .

  2. 竞争对手携程网(Ctrip)也表示,香港是中国内地人最喜欢的境外旅游目的地。携程网被认为是中国营收额最高的旅游网站。

    Its rival Ctrip , which is considered China 's leading travel website in terms of revenue , also had Hong Kong as the top overseas destination for mainlanders .

  3. 最值得注意的是,科技公司的女企业家们经常会出现在该榜单之上,包括携程网的CEO孙洁以及滴滴出行的总裁柳青。

    Most notably , businesswomen in tech-business made frequent appearances on the list , including Sun Jie of Ctrip.com International , and Liu Qing , president of Didi Chuxing .

  4. 受中国在线旅行社携程网(Ctrip.com)等公司的启发,NayAung从投资者那里筹得了资金&据他说,这些投资者包括一家日本基金和一位新加坡富豪。

    Inspired also by companies such as Ctrip . com , the Chinese online travel agency , Nay Aung has raised money from investors he says include a Japanese fund and a rich Singaporean individual .

  5. 的李彦宏,还有智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)的雷军。尽管沈南鹏主要以投资闻名,但他也是一名互联网创业家,他是做得非常成功的中国旅游网站携程网(Ctrip)的创始人之一。

    And , while Shen is now primarily known as an investor , he , too - as one of the founders of Ctrip , the hugely successful Chinese travel website - was an internet entrepreneur .

  6. 中国的腾讯位列25位,旅游网站携程网位列28位。

    China 's Tencent was ranked the 25th , and travel services site Ctrip.com at 28 .

  7. 我国最大在线旅行代理商携程网称,定制假日正流行。

    Bespoke holidays are in vogue , according to China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip.com .

  8. 中国领先的在线旅游服务平台携程网,于星期四发布了春节旅游趋势展望。

    Ctrip , a leading online travel service , released its tourism outlook for Spring Festival on Thursday .

  9. 携程网产品开发支出的年度增长,主要由于聘用了更多的产品及业务开发人员。

    Ctrip product development expenditures of the annual growth , due mainly to employ more products and business development staff .

  10. 据携程网数据显示,在春节出境游目的地排名前十中,有八个都在亚洲,包括泰国、日本、韩国等国家都很受青睐。

    According to Ctrip , eight of the 10 most popular overseas destinations are in Asia , including Thailand , Japan and South Korea .

  11. 国内最大在线旅行社携程网近日发布的报告显示,我国女性比男性更可能独自旅行。

    Chinese women are more likely to travel alone than men , according to a recent report by China 's biggest online travel agency .

  12. 去年秋天,该公司和携程网达成协议,后者是皇家加勒比在中国的最大销售代理。

    In the fall , it struck a deal with Chinese online travel company Ctrip , which is the biggest seller of its cruises there .

  13. 中国在线旅游公司携程网的数据显示,假期航班预订量比2019年同期增长近180%。

    Figures from Chinese online travel company Trip . com showed holiday flight bookings w by nearly 180 percent from the same period in 2019 .

  14. 并通过携程网的实际案例说明这一趋势的必然性,展望了未来的发展。

    Through the case studies concerned , the author concludes that reengineering tourism value chan by websites will be an inevitable trend and have a good prospect .

  15. 他们有一名经验丰富的行业顾问——红杉资本中国基金创始人沈南鹏,他在中国因为创建旅游网站携程网(Ctrip.com)而闻名。

    They have an experienced adviser in the industry in the form of Sequoia China 's founder , Neil Shen , who is known in China for starting the Chinese travel site Ctrip.com .

  16. 中国最大的在线旅游经营商携程网的一名官员表示,中国旅客选择泰国的原因是性价比高,距离相对近,签证便利,航线较丰富。

    An official with Ctrip , China 's biggest online tour operator , says Chinese tourists are choosing Thailand because of its low prices , proximity to China , easy visa procedure and more airline choices .

  17. 在线旅行社携程网表示,与2019年同期相比,今年上半年,00后预订此类景点的人数增长了2.5倍。

    Trip.com Group , another online travel agency , said reservations for such attractions in the first half of this year by people born after 2000 were up 2.5 times compared with the same period in 2019 .

  18. 据携程网声明,此事件是由于供应商违规操作造成,并将与该票台停止合作,并对傅进行进行补偿。

    Ctrip stated that this was a case of travel agents selling tickets redeemed in a dubious way , that it would stop doing business with the travel company in question , and offer compensations to Fu .

  19. 暑期,由于2015米兰世博会,意大利也是最受欢迎的选择之一,携程网宣传主管严新说到,携程旅行网是一家位于上海的在线旅行社。

    Italy is also among the popular choices during the summer break , thanks to the Expo 2015 in Milan , said Yan Xin , publicity officer of Ctrip , a Chinese online travel agency based in Shanghai .

  20. 据携程网表示,在去年的全球护照效力排行榜上,中国排在第70位,这一排名是通过对持护照者可以免签前往的国家和地区数量、或者抵达后可以获得签证的数量计算得出的。

    Ctrip said China ranked 70th last year based on the global passport power rankings , which were created by calculating how many countries and regions passport holders can visit without a visa , or by obtaining a visa on arrival .

  21. 中国最大的旅行网站携程网已经力图利用这次赴英游热潮。携程网本周表示,去英国度暑假现在价钱能便宜三分之一,这导致其应用程序上赴英游的搜索量增至三倍。

    Ctrip.com , China 's biggest online travel agency , has already sought to capitalise on the surge in interest , arguing this week that a summer vacation in Britain could now be a third cheaper , helping UK searches on its app triple .

  22. 携程旅行网首席财务长孙洁(JaneSun)表示,假期的修改可能会带来商务旅行人数的下降,但休闲游的需求可能上升。

    The proposed vacation changes could mean a drop in business travelers but a demand increase for leisure travel , says Jane Sun , Ctrip 's chief financial officer .

  23. CNNMoney频道同携程旅行网的首席运营官JaneJieSun交流了女性在科技行业里扮演的角色。

    CNNMoney spoke with Jane Jie Sun , the chief operating officer ofCtrip , about the role women play in the tech industry .

  24. 中国在线旅游服务供应商携程旅行网(Ctrip)已同意斥资近14亿英镑,收购飞机票比价网站Skyscanner。

    Ctrip International , the Chinese online travel service provider , has agreed to buy Skyscanner , the airfare comparison web site , for approximately £ 1.4bn .

  25. 斯坦福大学和北京大学的学者最近做了一项研究,汇报了对携程旅行网(CTrip)的实验结果。携程旅行是一家在美国纳斯达克(NASDAQ)上市交易的中国在线旅游服务公司。

    A recent study by academics at Stanford University and the University of Beijing reports the results of an experiment at CTrip , an online travel company in China that is quoted on America 's NASDAQ stock market .

  26. 携程旅行网是中国最大的在线旅行社。

    Ctrip is China 's largestonline travel agency .

  27. 颜筱是中国最大的在线旅游机构携程旅行网公共事务部高级经理。

    Yan Xiao is the public affairs manager at China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip .

  28. 在线旅行公司携程旅行网与电商巨头京东签署了战略协议,将拓展旅游、电子商务等领域的合作。

    Online travel agency Trip.com has inked a strategic deal with e-commerce giant JD.com to expand cooperation in tourism and e-commerce .

  29. 携程旅游网表示,迪士尼与周边城镇游的套餐人气也很高。

    Ctrip , Chinas largest online travel agent , said packages that combine the Disney resort with nearby towns are also popular .

  30. 她为携程旅行网设定的12个月目标价为75美元,比上周五60.73美元的收盘价高出了23%。

    For Ctrip shares , she has a12-month price target of $ 75 & 23 % above Friday 's close of $ 60.73 .