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  • 网络washboard
  1. 曹老师终于找到他的搓衣板了!

    Finally Mr Cao found his washboard !

  2. 这条路长达100米,有一个绰号是“搓衣板路”,因为它确实非常像传统的手拿洗衣板。

    Dubbed ' washboard road ' because of its passing resemblance to a traditional hand-held washboard , it stretches for 100 metres .

  3. 搓衣板在盆的下端进行连接,并有一定的倾角。

    A laundry board is connected with the lower part of the basin with a certain obliquity .

  4. 过去,人们用搓衣板洗衣服,用手捆干草,很少抱怨疲劳;

    In the past when hay was baled by hand and laundry scrubbed on a washboard , people seldom complained of tiredness .

  5. 也许在比基尼季节时你也许你能拥有搓衣板和强壮腹肌的好身材(大概是这个意思吧,汗),但你不得不为此而努力。

    Maybe you can attain washboard abs and buff biceps by the time bikini season rolls around , but you 're going to have to work for it .

  6. 一位健身狂人日前上传了自己在巴西一处海滩上空倒挂悬崖的惊人照,向人们展示了他如同搓衣板一样的腹肌。大家起初纷纷赞叹他的勇敢,但也觉得这一行为很“作死”。

    The amazing sight of a fitness fanatic working out his washboard stomach by dangling upside down over a Brazilian beach was initially seen as a daring act of stupidity .

  7. 为了练出搓衣板般健壮的腹肌,很多人都曾在健身大汗淋漓地做仰卧起坐和卷腹运动,甚至不惜做到肌肉抽筋。

    Plenty of us have spent time sweating it out at the gym , doing sit-ups and crunches til our muscles cramp , with the aim of getting washboard abs .

  8. 该凸块或凸条在洗涤衣物时可直接起到搓衣板的作用,避免了由于使用搓衣板给洗衣物时所带来的不便。

    The salient parts or salient bars can play the role of a washing plate directly when clothes are washed , thus avoiding the inconvenience caused by the use of a washing plate in washing .

  9. 采用本实用新型的结构的搓衣板,由于木条的加固作用,在使用过程中减少了对板体的压力,使搓衣板的寿命更长。

    The washboard using the structure of the utility model reduces pressure to the washboard body in use to make the service life of the washboard long because of the reinforcing function of the wood bar .

  10. “我的发明,”乔骄傲地说,“比搓衣板和你的手指头强多了,一周至少能省十五分钟,干这种活能省计五分钟就不可小看了。”

    " My invention ," Joe said proudly . " Beats a washboard an'your knuckles , and , besides , it saves at least fifteen minutes in the week , an'fifteen minutes ain 't to be sneezed at in this shebang . "