
  1. 上几个星期的事情在我脑子里搅作团。

    The events of the last few weeks are all jumbled in my mind .

  2. 一群母鸡四处乱窜,搅起一团尘土。

    The hens darted away on all sides , raising a cloud of dust .

  3. 短信、邮件和Twitter持续不断的提示音把我们的大脑搅得一团乱,甚至在我们睡觉的时候也如影随形;

    The constant buzz of texts , emails and tweets mangles our brains and stalks our sleep ;

  4. 为什么把我搅得一团乱?

    Why do you keep messing with my head ?

  5. 我的衣服在洗衣机里被搅成一团了。

    All my clothes are stuck on spin .

  6. 因为这时她身上是热、冷、湿三样东西搅做一团了,只觉得腿上接触一点夜风非常凉爽。

    She was warm and cold and sticky all at the same time and the feel of the night air on her limbs was refreshing .

  7. 为了突破工作瓶颈,能够从不同角度思考问题,爱因斯坦脑子里会把不同的想法与理念“搅成一团”,然后随意地重新进行排列组合——他将这个过程称为“组合游戏”。

    In order to break through plateaus in his work and see these problems from different angles , Einstein used his mind to " mash up " several different ideas and concepts and rearrange them at will - a process which he called " combinatory play . "

  8. 我脑海里的所有东西都搅成了一团。

    Everything was so mixed up in my mind .