
gē zhà
  • joist;joisting;bridging
搁栅 [gé zhà]
  • (1) [joist]∶从墙到墙平行布置,或放在梁或大梁上来支承铺板、铺面、铺瓦、铺地石板或者顶棚(天花板)的板条或钉板条的木条

  • (2) [joisting]∶指支承地板的木架

搁栅[gē zhà]
  1. 若干个平顶搁栅从一面墙伸向对面的墙。

    A number of ceil in g joists run from one wall to the opposite wall .

  2. 方木搁栅形成的基础层,是整个结构的跨度奠定。

    Square timber joists form the base layer and are laid across the span of the structure .

  3. 在双层楼板中,下面的天棚是由其自身下方的搁栅或支架承载的。

    In double floors , its own ceiling joists or bearers carry the ceiling of the room below .

  4. 用有限元软件对楼(屋)盖进行受力分析,得到合理的搁栅布置方式。

    Using finite element software for stress analysis of the floor , get a reasonable layout of the grate .

  5. 有助于房子的光线和开放感的其他内容包括薄金属扶手,裸露的天花板搁栅,和悬臂式木楼梯踏板。

    Other elements that contribute to the light and open feel of the house include thin metal handrails , exposed ceiling joists , and cantilevered wood stair treads .

  6. 平屋顶的构成方式基本上与木地板相同。若干个平顶搁栅(或屋顶搁栅)从一面墙伸向对面的墙。

    Flat roofs are framed in essentially the same way as wood floors . a number of ceiling ( or roof ) joists run from one wall to the opposite wall .