
  • 网络predation
  1. 稻田蜘蛛捕食作用及其数学模拟模型研究

    Studies on predation of the paddy field spiders and their mathematical simulation model

  2. 本研究利用常微分动力系统以及基于网格模型的元胞自动机模型对Allee效应、拥挤效应以及捕食作用集合种群的空间分布模式做了全面的模拟研究。

    In this paper , I discuss and simulate the influences of Allee effect , overcrowding effect and predation effect on the spatial distribution of metapopulation by cellular automata based on lattice model and ordinary differential equations .

  3. 天敌对稻飞虱捕食作用的评价方法研究

    Study on Technique for Evaluating Predation on Planthoppers in Rice Ecosystem

  4. 主要天敌对花生蚜虫捕食作用的研究

    Study on effect of main natural enemies to peanut Aphis

  5. 大草蛉对棉花害虫捕食作用的研究

    Predation model of the Chrysopa septempunctata on cotton insect pests

  6. 麦田食蚜蝇调查及其幼虫捕食作用

    Survey of SYRPHID flies in wheat fields and their feeding behaviour on aphids

  7. 稻田主要天敌对害虫的捕食作用

    Research on predation of major natural enemies on pests in the rice field

  8. 捕食作用中的功能反应模型

    A review on functional response models for predation

  9. 这说明,掌握适宜温度释放草蛉,可提高其捕食作用。

    The searching efficiency ( E ' ) of the predator varied with temperature .

  10. 原生动物的捕食作用对水细菌的影响

    Influence of protozoan grazing on aquatic bacteria

  11. 田间蜘蛛集团对飞虱的每日捕食量与室内、盆栽水稻的捕食作用比较

    Comparison of Daily Predation of Rice Planthoppers by Spiders with Their Predatory Effect in Laboratory and Caged-rice

  12. 湖南桔园主要天敌对柑桔全爪螨的捕食作用及其综合评定

    A synthetical evaluation on functional responses and effectiveness of five species of predators to citrus red mite

  13. 小块杨树人工林内冬季鸟类对五种越冬昆虫的捕食作用

    The predation of birds on five species of overwinter insects in a small area of Poplar Plantation

  14. 由此可见,转基因棉对中华草蛉的捕食作用无不良影响。

    Therefore , the transgenic cotton had no harmful effects to the predation of C. sinica larva . 4 .

  15. 研究八斑鞘蛛在多种猎物共存时的日捕食量,功能反应,捕食作用率。

    In this paper , value of prey eaten per day functional response and rate of predation were studied .

  16. 室内验证实验表明:所建立的捕食作用方程具有一定的描述能力。

    The results of predatory experiments for test carried out in the plastic basin can be predicted by the following equation .

  17. 应用二次正交旋转组合设计方法建立粽管巢蛛和拟水狼蛛对稻纵卷叶螟和稻褐飞虱捕食作用的数学模型。

    The quadratic orthogonal rotation design with five factors was used to study the effect of of technology for production of biodiesel .

  18. 污泥前置处理可以通过微生物自身的新陈代谢和微生物种群之间捕食作用,以及对工艺和反应器的改良来实现污泥减量。

    Sludge pre-position treatment could be achieved by microorganism own metabolism and predation between microbial population as well as improvement of process and reactors .

  19. 科学认识论中的归纳问题及其意义捕食作用作为一种掠夺性的对策其重要意义可归纳为四个主要方面。

    Induction Problem and Its Significance in Scientific Epistemology ; The importance of predation as an exploitation strategy may be summarized under four main categories .

  20. 最后得出结论,原生动物对于细菌的捕食作用可以有利于细菌分解有机质,而且可以达到原生动物,细菌和有机质共存的稳定状态。

    The conclusion is that protist grazing on bacteria increases the decomposition of organic matter . Protist . , bacteria and organic matter could coexist .

  21. 此外,本文简述了与利用有关的一些生物学特性,如食性、捕食作用、个体发育、繁殖力、分布及扩散能力等;

    Some biological characteristics related to the utilization These include feeding habits , capture function , individual development , reproduction capacity , distribution and spreading ability , and so on .

  22. 利用微型动物的捕食作用减量活性污泥,虽然减量程度有限,减量的稳定性有待加强,但由于能耗低,不产生二次污染,作为一种生态工程技术近年受到关注。

    As one of ecological approaches , reduction of excess sludge through predation of micro faunal has been paid more and more attention since it requires a little energy and brings no second pollution .

  23. 浙北龙山林区大山雀繁殖季节持续时间、雏鸟食物组成及对松毛虫的捕食作用

    Studies on the duration of breeding season , nestling food composition and predation in nestling periods of great tit Parus major on larvae of Dendrolimus punctatus at Longshan Forest farm , Anji county , Zhejiang Province

  24. 本文采用控制论中的脉冲采样法结合杀死飞虱计数法研究了田间蜘蛛对飞虱的每日捕食量估计并与室内、半田间(盆栽水稻罩笼)功能反应的捕食作用进行了比较。

    Predation number of field spider group to planthoppers per day was also studied by pulse sample and killing planthoppers by dichlorvos and predation effects on functional response of spider at laboratory and in semi-field ( cage rice in pot ) were compared in this paper .

  25. 生境片断化干扰了植物种子的捕食、扩散作用,被认为是自然生态系统维持面临的重大威胁之一。

    Habitat fragmentation is widely recognized as one of the greatest threats for the sustainability of the local ecosystems , and thereby is expected to impact seed dispersal .

  26. 棉铃虫捕食性天敌控制作用评价

    Evaluation on Role of Predators in Helicoverpa armigera Control

  27. 寄生与捕食独立且同步作用下种群被寄生数的逼近算法及程序

    Approximations and Programs for Calculating the Parasited Number of Population under Independent and Synchronal Action by Parasitism and Predation

  28. 捕食和食物交互作用条件下根田鼠季节性波动种群攻击水平及其行为多态性分析

    Analysis on aggressive levels and behavior polymorphism of root voles in seasonal fluctuating populations under the interaction between predation and food availability

  29. 其中,对捕食-食饵作用的生态传染病模型进行空间上的延伸以及讨论具有空间结构的生境破坏对生态传染病系统动态的影响都属于创新性的工作。

    Among of them , the extension with eco-epidemiological model on predator-prey interactions at spatial scale , and discussion the effects of spatial structure of habitat loss on eco-epidemiological systems both are innovative works .

  30. 捕食性昆虫螨类及蜘蛛的捕食作用

    Predation of predatory insects , mites and spiders