
  • 网络Fishing intensity;CPUE
  1. 当利用编程作出捕捞强度参数c和稳定收获量harvest之间的关系曲线图时,可以清楚看出这两个变量之间先增后减的单调性关系。我们有必要进一步从数学意义上讨论这种单调性。

    The curve drawn by programming shows the simple monotonic relationship between the parameter c and the fish yield : increases first .

  2. 随着捕捞强度的不断增加,鱼产量不断上升,单位捕捞努力量(CPUE)却不断下降。

    The catch per unit effort ( CPUE ) decreased in recent years due to over-exploitation with the increasing fishing boats .

  3. 再依据B-H模型计算、分析在不同开捕年龄和不同捕捞强度下的单位补充量渔获尾数、单位补充量平均资源重量、渔获物平均年龄和单位补充量渔获量的情况。

    B-H model is adopted to analyze catch numbers per recruit , average stock weight per recruit , average age of catch and catch amount per recruit .

  4. 高捕捞强度环境下海洋鱼类生态对策的演变

    The Ecological Strategy Evolution of Marine Fishes under High Intensity Fishing Environment

  5. 严格执行控制捕捞强度的政策;

    Enforcing the policy of restricting fishing intensity strictly ;

  6. 控制我国海洋捕捞强度所面临的问题与对策探讨

    Discussion on problems and countermeasures of controlling the fishing intensity of Chinese marine fisheries

  7. 降低捕捞强度,继续调整作业结构;

    Secondly , the fishing efforts should be reduce and the fisheries structures be further adjusted .

  8. 从以上三方面的分析,对目前我国海洋捕捞强度的状况进行了分析。

    According to the analysis of the three changes , the thesis analyses the condition of the marine fishing intensity .

  9. 据此,作者提出削减现有张网作业捕捞强度和调整禁渔期等建议。

    This paper also puts forward the fishery management suggestions on reducing fishing intensity of stow net and adjusting the closed season .

  10. 作为渔业管理对策是严格控制捕捞强度,以保护渔业资源。

    As a strategy of fishery management , if the harvesting strength can be controlled strictly , the fish resourses may be preserved .

  11. 年龄结构模型能更好地显示种群的动态变化,能为配置合理的捕捞强度提供科学的依据,但需要很多数据,尤其要求精确的渔获物年龄数据。

    Age-structured models are also widely used , which can reflect the dynamic changes , but they require more data , especially the exact age data .

  12. 由成本收益分析的基本模型可以看出海洋渔业捕捞强度过大的主要原因是资源产权的虚置。

    From the basic model of cost - income , it can be seen that the main reason of exorbitance attaching is the emptiness of the property right .

  13. 再依据不完全β函数渔获量方程,计算、分析在不同开捕年龄和不同捕捞强度下的单位补充量渔获量(Yw/R)的变化情况。

    The catch equation including incomplete β function is adopted to analyze catch weight per recruit ( Y_w / R ) at different first capture age and with different fishing mortality coefficient .

  14. 通过前面的分析,从实现海洋渔业资源可持续利用和有效管理的角度出发,提出了控制海洋捕捞强度的政策建议。

    According to the overall analysis , the thesis puts forward the policy-related advice on controlling the marine fishing intensity in the point of fulfilling sustainable use and effective management of sea fishing .

  15. 本文作者认为发展休闲渔业有利于减轻捕捞强度和保护渔业资源、有利于增加渔民收入、有利于活跃安徽省假日经济、有利于水体生态链的恢复和水域生态环境保护。

    The author gives the real reasons , such as in favor of protection of fishery resources , increasing fishermen 's income , developing holiday economy and protection of zoology , for developing creational fisheries .

  16. 迫切需要对渔船数据的进一步分析,加强对渔船流动趋势、渔船作业特点、渔船主机功率分布特点的分析从而制定科学的决策,切实控制捕捞强度。

    It is an urgent task to make further analysis of fishing ship data , moving trend , working and distribution characteristic of fishing boat to make scientific and feasible policy to control fishing intensity .

  17. 随着闽南、台浅渔场海洋捕捞强度不断增强,捕捞方式和作业结构日趋不合理,渔船效率下降。

    With the increase in intensity of marine fishing continuously in the fishing ground of South Fujian and Taiwan shallow , the fishing mathod and structure are getting reasonless , and so the efficiency of the fishing boat is declining .

  18. 本文介绍了我国海洋捕捞强度的状况,包括海洋机动渔船数量及功率的变化、渔民数量、的变化及海洋捕捞产量的变化。

    This thesis firstly introduces the condition of the marine fishing intensity which includes three changes : The first one is the number and power of motor-driven fishing boats , the second one is the number of fishermen and the last one is the marine capture production .

  19. 渔业生产仍然着眼于短期利益,捕捞结构不尽合理,捕捞强度控制不力,过度的捕捞和养殖仍然在加速破坏太湖生态系统的正常结构。

    The composition of catches was not reasonable and the fishing intensity was not controlled effectively yet . The excessive fishery and aquaculture kept on destroying the structure of Taihu lake ecosystem .

  20. 广西沿海地处北部湾,发展渔业生产得天独厚,但长期以来捕捞生产大部分都在近海作业,捕捞强度过大;

    But for a long time the fishing production , has been operated along nearshore and makes the fish out of intensity .

  21. 鉴于此,国家不断出台相关政策控制捕捞能力的继续增长,以减少捕捞强度,修复渔业资源。

    In view of this , the country has unceasingly adopted relevant measurements to control the growth of the fishing capacity in order to reduce the fishing intensity and to restore the fishery resources .

  22. 本文运用非线性理论建立了海洋渔业资源二次非线性捕捞的动力模式,研究了渔业资源生物量(资源量)增长与增长率和捕捞强度的关系。

    A nonlinear dynamic model is built to study the relationship between the biologic amount of marine fishery resources and the increasing rate and fishing intensity .