
  • 网络predatory natural enemy;predator
  1. 捕食性天敌4种,其中鸟类捕食率为15.4%;

    The predators were 4 species , the mortality rate of Clania variegata predated by birds was 15.4 % ;

  2. 在棉花整个生产季节中,IPM棉田中捕食性天敌的数量明显高于对照棉田,特别是在棉花生长的中后期表现尤为明显。

    The amount of insect predators is higher in IPM farmers ' fields than normal farmers significantly during the cotton production season , especially in the middle and late season .

  3. 江苏沿海棉区常见捕食性天敌在Bt棉田的消长动态与分布

    Population Dynamics and Distribution of Common Predacious Natural Enemies in Transgenic Bt Cotton Fields in Jiangsu Provincial Coastal Area

  4. 除鳞翅目昆虫亚群落外,Bt玉米田与对照田节肢动物群落、捕食性天敌亚群落、寄生性天敌亚群落和中性昆虫亚群落相似程度高。

    The arthropod community structure , predator sub-community , parasitoid sub-community and neuter insect sub-community in Bt corn field were very similar to the control .

  5. 4Bt玉米同对照相比,对捕食性天敌昆虫类群组成、各类群优势度、捕食性昆虫的总量及总量的动态变化方面没有显著的影响;

    The total numbers and the dynamics of predator population , the species composition and abundance of species in Bt corn field were not significantly different comparing with the control .

  6. 新疆南部地区棉田捕食性天敌种群动态

    Population dynamics of predatory enemies of cotton field in Southern Xinjiang

  7. 作为捕食性天敌昆虫,它们在生物防治工作中具有重要的作用。

    As predators , they are generally beneficial for biocontrol projects .

  8. 辽宁柞蚕捕食性天敌害虫名录简报

    A brief about natural enemies feeding on Tussah in Liaoning

  9. 不同类型茶园捕食性天敌群落相似性研究

    Similarity of Predatory Enemy Communities of Different Tea Plantation Types

  10. 捕食性天敌在综合治理中的应用研究及其展望

    Studies and Prospects on the Applicaton of Predatory Natural Enemies to IPM

  11. 稻田害虫捕食性天敌昆虫资源

    Resources of the predacious insects natural enemies in rice fields

  12. 稻田生态系统中捕食性天敌节肢动物种类调查分析

    An investigation of species of predatory arthropods in paddy ecosystems

  13. 日本刀角瓢虫是粉虱类害虫的重要捕食性天敌之一。

    Serangium japonicum is one of the important predators of Bemisia tabaci .

  14. 雨水冲刷对麦蚜与捕食性天敌的影响

    The Effects of Rain Wash on Cereal Aphids and Predators

  15. 4种药剂处理对中稻田害虫-捕食性天敌群落的影响

    Effects of insecticides on insect pest-predatory natural enemy communities in middle-season paddy fields

  16. 苹果叶螨类群与捕食性天敌类群空间格局的研究

    Study of the spatial pattern for apple leaf mites and predatory natural enemies

  17. 小菜蛾主要捕食性天敌种类及捕食功能研究

    Study on the Main Natural Enemies of Pickles Moth and Their Praying Functions

  18. 棉铃虫捕食性天敌控制作用评价

    Evaluation on Role of Predators in Helicoverpa armigera Control

  19. 节瓜蓟马的主要捕食性天敌及自然控制作用

    Natural predators of Thrips palmi ( Karny ) and their role in natural control

  20. 花椒园棉蚜及其捕食性天敌动态的模糊聚类分析

    Fuzzy cluster analysis of the cotton aphid and its predators in Chinese prickly ash orchard

  21. 有些稻田隐翅虫是重要的捕食性天敌。

    Some species of Staphylinidae on rice field are important predaceous natural enemies of insects .

  22. 小麦收获期对麦套棉田捕食性天敌和棉花苗蚜的影响

    Effects of Different Wheat-cutting Dates on Predators and Cotton Seedling Aphids in Wheat-cotton Intercropping Field

  23. 洞庭湖平原越冬稻虫捕食性天敌群落结构初报

    Preliminary study on predacity natural enemies community structure of winter rice pests in Dongting Lake Plain

  24. 苹果园种植覆盖作物对于树上捕食性天敌群落的影响

    The effect of cover cropping in apple orchards on the predator community on the apple tree

  25. 中性昆虫是维持捕食性天敌种群数量的主要功能团;

    The neutral insect is the main guild that keeps the stabilization of predatory natural enemies .

  26. 中华微刺盲蝽是一种重要的捕食性天敌,在华南地区分布极为普遍。

    Campylomma chinensis Schuh is a predatory mirid bug and is very common in Southern China .

  27. XRD&473室内对柑桔害虫四种捕食性天敌的毒性试验

    The tests on toxicity of XRD-473 to four predacious natural enemies of citrus pests in laboratory

  28. 不同类型棉田捕食性天敌的种群能量动态及其对害虫的控制作用

    The population energy dynamics of predacious natural enemies and their pest control activity in different cotton agroecosystems

  29. 棉区豆田主要害虫及其捕食性天敌生态位的研究

    Studies on the niche of major insect pests and their predators in soybean fields of cotton areas

  30. 烟田的捕食性天敌是控制害虫的优势种群,对害虫具有一定的抑制作用。

    The predatory and parasitic natural enemies were dominant populations of the community that control tobacco pests .